[PDF][PDF] The musical instrument as a natural extension of the musician

L Nijs, M Lesaffre, M Leman - Proceedings of the 5th Conference of …, 2009 - academia.edu
Aims This paper aims at gaining a theoretical understanding of the relationship between
musician and musical instrument. Thorough knowledge of the nature and value of this …

Action-sound latency and the perceived quality of digital musical instruments: Comparing professional percussionists and amateur musicians

RH Jack, A Mehrabi, T Stockman… - Music Perception: An …, 2018 - online.ucpress.edu
Asynchrony between tactile and auditory feedback (action-sound latency) when playing a
musical instrument is widely recognized as disruptive to musical performance. In this paper …

2004: PebbleBox and CrumbleBag: Tactile Interfaces for Granular Synthesis

S O'Modhrain, G Essl - A NIME Reader: Fifteen Years of New Interfaces for …, 2017 - Springer
Abstract The PebbleBox and the CrumbleBag are examples of a granular interaction
paradigm, in which the manipulation of physical grains of arbitrary material becomes the …

A toolkit for explorations in sonic interaction design

SD Monache, P Polotti, D Rocchesso - Proceedings of the 5th audio …, 2010 - dl.acm.org
Physics-based sound synthesis represents a promising paradigm for the design of a
veridical and effective continuous feedback in augmented everyday contexts. In this paper …

Effect of latency on performer interaction and subjective quality assessment of a digital musical instrument

RH Jack, T Stockman, A McPherson - Proceedings of the audio mostly …, 2016 - dl.acm.org
When designing digital musical instruments the importance of low and consistent action-to-
sound latency is widely accepted. This paper investigates the effects of latency (0-20ms) on …

Designing continuous sonic interaction

D Rocchesso, P Polotti, S Delle Monache - International Journal of …, 2009 - ijdesign.org
Continuous interaction and multisensory feedback present tremendous challenges to
designers who are mostly educated along the lines of visual thinking and discrete …

Effort inference and prediction by acoustic and movement descriptors in interactions with imaginary objects during Dhrupad vocal improvisation

S Paschalidou - Wearable Technologies, 2022 - cambridge.org
In electronic musical instruments (EMIs), the concept of “sound sculpting” was proposed by
Mulder, in which imaginary objects are manually sculpted to produce sounds, although …

Surface electromyography for sensing performance intention and musical imagery in vocalists

CN Reed, AP McPherson - … of the Fifteenth International Conference on …, 2021 - dl.acm.org
Through experience, the techniques used by professional vocalists become highly ingrained
and much of the fine muscular control needed for healthy singing is executed using well …

Rich gesture, reduced control: the influence of constrained map**s on performance technique

RH Jack, T Stockman, A McPherson - Proceedings of the 4th …, 2017 - dl.acm.org
This paper presents an observational study of the interaction of professional percussionists
with a simplified hand percussion instrument. We reflect on how the sound-producing …

Physical interface design for digital musical instruments

M Marshall - 2009 - escholarship.mcgill.ca
This thesis deals with the study of performer-instrument interaction during the performance
of novel digital musical instruments (DMIs). Unlike acoustic instruments, digital musical …