Transition metal dichalcogenides based saturable absorbers for pulsed laser technology
Ultrashort pulsed laser is an indispensable tool for the evolution of photonic technology in
the present and future. This laser has been progressing tremendously with new pulse …
the present and future. This laser has been progressing tremendously with new pulse …
Diode-pumped continuous-wave and passively Q-switched Nd: LuAG crystal lasers at 1.1 μm
Q Cui, Z Zhou, X Guan, B Xu, Z Lin, H Xu, Z Cai… - Optics & Laser …, 2017 - Elsevier
We report on diode-pumped Nd: LuAG crystal lasers on 4 F 3/2→ 4 I 11/2 transition around
1.1 μm in continuous-wave and passive Q-switching regimes. For continuous-wave laser …
1.1 μm in continuous-wave and passive Q-switching regimes. For continuous-wave laser …
Nd3+ doped CaLaGa3O7: Growth, structure, and optical properties of a disordered laser crystal
Y Liu, F Pan, J Gao, C Tu - Journal of Luminescence, 2022 - Elsevier
A new disordered crystal of Nd 3+-doped CaLaGa 3 O 7 (Nd: CLGO) was successfully
grown using the Czochralski method for the first time. The effective segregation coefficient of …
grown using the Czochralski method for the first time. The effective segregation coefficient of …
Laser wavelength extension beyond 1.1 μm in Nd:MgO:LiNbO3 crystal by utilizing the Stark splitting of multiple Nd3+-do** sites
X Chen, H Qin, F Wang, D Wang, Q Liu, Y Cheng… - Optics …, 2025 - opg.optica.org
Lithium niobate crystal is an important multifunctional material and the miniaturization of the
integrated on-chip LiNbO3 laser device has attracted the increased attention in …
integrated on-chip LiNbO3 laser device has attracted the increased attention in …
Nd: Y3ScxAl5-xO12 (x= 0.05, 0.5, 1) shaped crystals grown by the micro-pulling-down method and optical properties
J Xu, Q Song, J Liu, K Bian, W Lu, D Li, P Liu, X Xu… - Optical Materials, 2020 - Elsevier
Nd 3+ doped Y 3 Sc x Al 5-x O 12 (x= 0.05, 0.5, 1) single crystals were successfully grown by
the micro-pulling-down (μ-PD) technique. The effect of compositional parameter x on the …
the micro-pulling-down (μ-PD) technique. The effect of compositional parameter x on the …
Passively Q-switched Ytterbium doped fiber laser with mechanically exfoliated MoS2 saturable absorber
A passively Q-switched Ytterbium-doped fiber laser (YDFL) based on MoS 2 saturable
absorber (SA) is demonstrated. A few layers of MoS 2 are mechanically exfoliated from a …
absorber (SA) is demonstrated. A few layers of MoS 2 are mechanically exfoliated from a …
Diode-end-pumped Nd3+-doped oxyorthosilicate GYSO lasers operating on 4F3/2→ 4I13/2 transition
X Guan, Z Zhou, X Huang, B Xu, H Xu, Z Cai, X Xu… - Laser …, 2017 - iopscience.iop.org
We report on diode-pumped continuous-wave Nd: GdYSiO 5 lasers, operating on the 4 F
3/2→ 4 I 13/2 transition around the 1.3 µm spectral domain, for the first time to our …
3/2→ 4 I 13/2 transition around the 1.3 µm spectral domain, for the first time to our …
[HTML][HTML] Use of the Laser Beam Deflection Technique for Thermo-Optic Coefficients Study in Gadolinium-Yttrium Oxyorthosilicate Doped with Erbium Ions
KV Yumashev, VI Goman, LK Pavlovski… - Приборы и методы …, 2023 - cyberleninka.ru
Results of use of the laser beam deflection technique for determination of thermo-optic
coefficients (TOCs) of the Er3+-doped gadolinium-yttrium oxyorthosilicate crystal …
coefficients (TOCs) of the Er3+-doped gadolinium-yttrium oxyorthosilicate crystal …
Применение метода отклонения лазерного пучка для определения термооптических коэффициентов в кристалле гадолиний-иттриевого ортосиликата …
KB Юмашев, ВИ Гоман, ЛK Павловский… - Приборы и методы …, 2023 - pimi.bntu.by
Аннотация В статье представлены результаты использования метода отклонения
лазерного пучка для определения величин термооптических коэффициентов (ТОК) в …
лазерного пучка для определения величин термооптических коэффициентов (ТОК) в …
Q-Switching and Mode-Locking Pulse Generation in Ytterbium-Doped Fiber Lasers Using Nanomaterial Saturable Absorbers
AHH Al-Masoodi - 2017 - search.proquest.com
This research work focuses on exploring various new nanomaterials for saturable absorber
(SA) application in generating Q-switched and Mode-locked pulses operating at 1 µm …
(SA) application in generating Q-switched and Mode-locked pulses operating at 1 µm …