Classes of explicit phylogenetic networks and their biological and mathematical significance
The evolutionary relationships among organisms have traditionally been represented using
rooted phylogenetic trees. However, due to reticulate processes such as hybridization or …
rooted phylogenetic trees. However, due to reticulate processes such as hybridization or …
[BOK][B] Algorithms on trees and graphs
G Valiente - 2002 - Springer
The notion of graph which is most useful in computer science is that of a directed graph or
just a graph. A graph is a combinatorial structure consisting of a finite nonempty set of …
just a graph. A graph is a combinatorial structure consisting of a finite nonempty set of …
Modeling hybridization under the network multispecies coalescent
JH Degnan - Systematic biology, 2018 - academic.oup.com
Simultaneously modeling hybridization and the multispecies coalescent is becoming
increasingly common, and inference of species networks in this context is now implemented …
increasingly common, and inference of species networks in this context is now implemented …
[BOK][B] ReCombinatorics: the algorithmics of ancestral recombination graphs and explicit phylogenetic networks
D Gusfield - 2014 - books.google.com
Combinatorial structure and algorithms for deducing genetic recombination history,
represented by ancestral recombination graphs and other networks, and their role in the …
represented by ancestral recombination graphs and other networks, and their role in the …
Comparative performance of popular methods for hybrid detection using genomic data
Interspecific hybridization is an important evolutionary phenomenon that generates genetic
variability in a population and fosters species diversity in nature. The availability of large …
variability in a population and fosters species diversity in nature. The availability of large …
Evolutionary phylogenetic networks: models and issues
L Nakhleh - Problem solving handbook in computational biology …, 2010 - Springer
Phylogenetic networks are special graphs that generalize phylogenetic trees to allow for
modeling of non-treelike evolutionary histories. The ability to sequence multiple genetic …
modeling of non-treelike evolutionary histories. The ability to sequence multiple genetic …
[HTML][HTML] Counting and enumerating tree-child networks and their subclasses
Galled trees are studied as a recombination model in population genetics. This class of
phylogenetic networks is generalized into tree-child and galled network classes by relaxing …
phylogenetic networks is generalized into tree-child and galled network classes by relaxing …
[PDF][PDF] On a matching distance between rooted phylogenetic trees
The Robinson–Foulds (RF) distance is the most popular method of evaluating the
dissimilarity between phylogenetic trees. In this paper, we define and explore in detail …
dissimilarity between phylogenetic trees. In this paper, we define and explore in detail …
Displayed trees do not determine distinguishability under the network multispecies coalescent
Recent work in estimating species relationships from gene trees has included inferring
networks assuming that past hybridization has occurred between species. Probabilistic …
networks assuming that past hybridization has occurred between species. Probabilistic …
The generalized Robinson-Foulds distance for phylogenetic trees
The Robinson-Foulds (RF) distance, one of the most widely used metrics for comparing
phylogenetic trees, has the advantage of being intuitive, with a natural interpretation in terms …
phylogenetic trees, has the advantage of being intuitive, with a natural interpretation in terms …