Syntax and sensibility: Using language models to detect and correct syntax errors

EA Santos, JC Campbell, D Patel… - 2018 IEEE 25th …, 2018 -
Syntax errors are made by novice and experienced programmers alike; however, novice
programmers lack the years of experience that help them quickly resolve these frustrating …

Affective and behavioral predictors of novice programmer achievement

MMT Rodrigo, RS Baker, MC Jadud… - Proceedings of the 14th …, 2009 -
We study which observable affective states and behaviors relate to students' achievement
within a CS1 programming course. To this end, we use a combination of human observation …

A review on process-oriented approaches for analyzing novice solutions to programming problems

MM Villamor - Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced …, 2020 - Springer
High attrition and dropout rates are common in introductory programming courses. One of
the reasons students drop out is loss of motivation due to the lack of feedback and proper …

Coarse-grained detection of student frustration in an introductory programming course

MMT Rodrigo, RSJ Baker - … of the fifth international workshop on …, 2009 -
We attempt to automatically detect student frustration, at a coarse-grained level, using
measures distilled from student behavior within a learning environment for introductory …

Syntax errors just aren't natural: Improving error reporting with language models

JC Campbell, A Hindle, JN Amaral - … of the 11th Working Conference on …, 2014 -
A frustrating aspect of software development is that compiler error messages often fail to
locate the actual cause of a syntax error. An errant semicolon or brace can result in many …

[PDF][PDF] Fine-grained versus coarse-grained data for estimating time-on-task in learning programming

J Leinonen, FEV Castro, A Hellas - International Conference on …, 2021 -
The time that students spend on assignments, ie time-ontask, has been used frequently in
prior research to understand student affect, study habits, and course performance, among …

What fails once, fails again: Common repeated errors in introductory programming automated assessments

S Caton, S Russell, BA Becker - Proceedings of the 53rd ACM Technical …, 2022 -
In this paper, we analyze 32,000 Java programming assessments submitted to the
CodeRunner platform by introductory programming students. We identify common …

Recording and analyzing in-browser programming sessions

J Helminen, P Ihantola, V Karavirta - Proceedings of the 13th Koli Calling …, 2013 -
In this paper, we report on the analysis of a novel type of automatically recorded detailed
programming session data collected on a university-level web programming course. We …

Which aspects of novice programmers' usage of an IDE predict learning outcomes

G Dyke - Proceedings of the 42nd ACM technical symposium on …, 2011 -
We present the preliminary analysis of a study whose long term aim is to track IDE usage to
identify novice-programmers in need of support. Our analysis focused on the activity of 24 …

[PDF][PDF] Towards the development of intelligent agent for novice C/C++ programmers through affective analysis of event logs

DAM Felipe, KIN Gutierrez, ECM Quiros… - Proc. Int. MultiConference …, 2012 -
Novice programmers are having a difficult time writing their first programs and instructors
handling a programming class with a large population are also having difficulties in …