The perfume of reproduction in birds: chemosignaling in avian social life

SP Caro, J Balthazart, F Bonadonna - Hormones and Behavior, 2015 - Elsevier
This article is part of a Special Issue “Chemosignals and Reproduction”. Chemical cues
were probably the first cues ever used to communicate and are still ubiquitous among living …

Does Maternal Diet Influence Future Infant Taste and Odor Preferences? A Critical Analysis

CA Forestell - Annual Review of Nutrition, 2024 -
The dietary choices a mother makes during pregnancy offer her develo** fetus its earliest
exposure to the family's culinary preferences. This comprehensive literature review …

[PDF][PDF] Scientific report updating the EFSA opinions on the welfare of broilers and broiler breeders

I De Jong, C Berg, A Butterworth… - EFSA Supporting …, 2012 -
The EFSA AHAW panel is requested to develop several scientific opinions concerning
animal based measures to assess the welfare of livestock animals. The main objective of …

Zebra Finch chicks recognise parental scent, and retain chemosensory knowledge of their genetic mother, even after egg cross-fostering

BA Caspers, JC Hagelin, M Paul, S Bock, S Willeke… - Scientific reports, 2017 -
Mechanisms underlying parent-offspring recognition in birds have fascinated researchers for
centuries. Yet, the possibility that chicks recognise parental odour at hatching has been …

Exposing avian embryos to light affects post-hatch anti-predator fear responses

GS Archer, JA Mench - Applied animal behaviour science, 2017 - Elsevier
Environmental stimuli present during incubation can impact the behavior of birds post-hatch.
To determine the effect of exposing broiler chicken embryos to light on fear-related behavior …

Onto the sense of smell in macaws, amazons and toucans: can they use volatile cues of fruits to make foraging decisions?

MC Hernández, AM Villada, I Barja - Integrative Zoology, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
Over the past decades, empirical evidence has been accumulated indicating that olfactory
information plays a fundamental role in bird life history. Nonetheless, many aspects of avian …

Female-based patterns and social function in avian chemical communication

DJ Whittaker, JC Hagelin - Journal of Chemical Ecology, 2021 - Springer
Much of the growing interest in avian chemical signals has focused on the role of kin
recognition or mate attraction, often with an emphasis on males, with uropygial gland …

Beyond maternal effects in birds: responses of the embryo to the environment

WL Reed, ME Clark - Integrative and Comparative Biology, 2011 -
Embryonic growth and development are impacted by environmental conditions. In avian
systems, parents tightly control these environments through provisioning of nutrients to the …

[HTML][HTML] Management of livestock behavior to improve welfare and production

A Orihuela - Animal, 2021 - Elsevier
In animal production, producers face different problems inherent to production systems.
Today society is increasingly concerned about more sustainable systems and animal …

Olfactory imprinting as a mechanism for nest odour recognition in zebra finches

BA Caspers, JI Hoffman, P Kohlmeier, O Krüger… - Animal Behaviour, 2013 - Elsevier
Highlights•We showed that nest recognition is based on early olfactory imprinting.•The
template for nest recognition is learned around or a few hours after hatching.•Olfactory …