Models of bail reform
BL Garrett - Fla. L. Rev., 2022 - HeinOnline
Bail reform is an urgent topic in the United States and internationally, but what constitutes
reform and how to accomplish reform goals is contested. Jails are a modern epicenter of …
reform and how to accomplish reform goals is contested. Jails are a modern epicenter of …
The ever-shifting ground of pretrial detention reform
JE Carroll - Annual Review of Law and Social Science, 2023 -
In the past six decades, pretrial detention systems have undergone waves of reform. Despite
these efforts, pretrial jail populations across the country continue to swell. The causes of …
these efforts, pretrial jail populations across the country continue to swell. The causes of …
Taming Dangerousness
SB Baughman - Geo. LJ, 2023 - HeinOnline
For at least the last forty years, the focus of bail reform has been a consideration of the
confines of the government's right to protect the public against dangerous defendants. There …
confines of the government's right to protect the public against dangerous defendants. There …
Misdemeanor declination: A theory of internal separation of powers
A Natapoff - Tex. L. Rev., 2023 - HeinOnline
It is commonly said that the state holds a monopoly on criminal punishment.'In operation,
however, that monopoly power is wielded almost entirely by the executive while the …
however, that monopoly power is wielded almost entirely by the executive while the …
Pretrial Justice in out-of-the-Way Places-Including Rural Communities in the Bail Reform Conversation
J Gross - Mont. L. Rev., 2023 - HeinOnline
In the United States, a marked preference for carceral responses to social ills has fueled
incarceration rates that vastly exceed those of almost every other nation. 1 The US justice …
incarceration rates that vastly exceed those of almost every other nation. 1 The US justice …
The Rural Lawyer Shortage as (Surprisingly) Scholarly Impetus
LR Pruitt - SDL Rev., 2024 - HeinOnline
ABSTRACT In 2014, the South Dakota Law Review convened a symposium to
commemorate the launch of Project Rural Practice (later renamed the Rural Attorney …
commemorate the launch of Project Rural Practice (later renamed the Rural Attorney …
Reversing the rural jail population boom
M Bailey, J Peirce - Idaho L. Rev., 2021 - HeinOnline
In many places in the United States, perspectives on the necessity of jail incarceration are
changing. There is now significant public discussion on the failures of traditional policing …
changing. There is now significant public discussion on the failures of traditional policing …
Power and Procedure in Texas Bail-Setting
A Woog, N Fennell - SMU L. Rev., 2021 - HeinOnline
ABSTRACT As advocates', lawyers', and legislators' bail reform efforts intensify in Texas and
throughout the country, we consider the limits of pretrial procedural protections when judges …
throughout the country, we consider the limits of pretrial procedural protections when judges …
JRAD Redux: Judicial Recommendation Against Immigration Detention
M Holper - Geo. Wash. L. Rev., 2023 - HeinOnline
There is a dire need for bail reform in the immigration detention system. Scholars have
suggested a variety of recommendations to improve the manner in which immigration …
suggested a variety of recommendations to improve the manner in which immigration …
Rural Law and Justice
LR Pruitt - UC Davis Legal Studies Research Paper, 2024 -
This chapter, written for Rural America in the 2020s: Shocks, Stressors and Successes
(forthcoming 2025), provides a broad survey of the intersections of law with rurality. It thus …
(forthcoming 2025), provides a broad survey of the intersections of law with rurality. It thus …