Colloquium: Heat flow and thermoelectricity in atomic and molecular junctions
Advances in the fabrication and characterization of nanoscale systems now allow for a better
understanding of one of the most basic issues in science and technology: the flow of heat at …
understanding of one of the most basic issues in science and technology: the flow of heat at …
Nonequilibrium Green's function method for quantum thermal transport
This review deals with the nonequilibrium Green's function (NEGF) method applied to the
problems of energy transport due to atomic vibrations (phonons), primarily for small junction …
problems of energy transport due to atomic vibrations (phonons), primarily for small junction …
Heat transport in low-dimensional systems
A Dhar - Advances in Physics, 2008 - Taylor & Francis
Recent results on theoretical studies of heat conduction in low-dimensional systems are
presented. These studies are on simple, yet non-trivial, models. Most of these are classical …
presented. These studies are on simple, yet non-trivial, models. Most of these are classical …
Quantum thermal transport in nanostructures
In this colloquia review we discuss methods for thermal transport calculations for
nanojunctions connected to two semi-infinite leads served as heat-baths. Our emphases are …
nanojunctions connected to two semi-infinite leads served as heat-baths. Our emphases are …
Length-dependent thermal transport along molecular chains
We present heat-transport measurements conducted with a vacuum-operated scanning
thermal microscope to study the thermal conductance of monolayers of nine different alkane …
thermal microscope to study the thermal conductance of monolayers of nine different alkane …
Thermoelectric effects in nanoscale junctions
Despite its intrinsic nonequilibrium origin, thermoelectricity in nanoscale systems is usually
described within a static scattering approach which disregards the dynamical interaction …
described within a static scattering approach which disregards the dynamical interaction …
Charge transport in molecular junctions: From tunneling to hop** with the probe technique
We demonstrate that a simple phenomenological approach can be used to simulate
electronic conduction in molecular wires under thermal effects induced by the surrounding …
electronic conduction in molecular wires under thermal effects induced by the surrounding …
Semi-classical generalized Langevin equation for equilibrium and nonequilibrium molecular dynamics simulation
Molecular dynamics (MD) simulation based on Langevin equation has been widely used in
the study of structural, thermal properties of matter in different phases. Normally, the atomic …
the study of structural, thermal properties of matter in different phases. Normally, the atomic …
Local temperatures out of equilibrium
The temperature of a physical system is operationally defined in physics as “that quantity
which is measured by a thermometer” weakly coupled to, and at equilibrium with the system …
which is measured by a thermometer” weakly coupled to, and at equilibrium with the system …
Discrete heat equation for a periodic layered system with allowance for the interfacial thermal resistance: General formulation and dispersion analysis
SL Sobolev - Physical Review E, 2024 - APS
Discrete heat equations for the multilayered periodic systems with allowance for the thermal
resistance between the layers and corresponding dispersion relations in ω− k space have …
resistance between the layers and corresponding dispersion relations in ω− k space have …