[HTML][HTML] Macro-and micro-expressions facial datasets: A survey

H Guerdelli, C Ferrari, W Barhoumi, H Ghazouani… - Sensors, 2022 - mdpi.com
Automatic facial expression recognition is essential for many potential applications. Thus,
having a clear overview on existing datasets that have been investigated within the …

The MAHNOB laughter database

S Petridis, B Martinez, M Pantic - Image and Vision Computing, 2013 - Elsevier
Laughter is clearly an audiovisual event, consisting of the laughter vocalization and of facial
activity, mainly around the mouth and sometimes in the upper face. A major obstacle in …

In defense of stylistic diversity in speech research

P Wagner, J Trouvain, F Zimmerer - Journal of Phonetics, 2015 - Elsevier
Recently, the debate about what kind of speech data is most appropriate for linguistic
research has intensified. Generally, with 'laboratory speech'defenders on the one hand and …


J Trouvain, KP Truong - The Routledge handbook of language …, 2017 - taylorfrancis.com
Studies of laughter are spread over multiple scientific disciplines of which many have
nothing or nearly nothing in common: from conversational analysis and interactional …

[PDF][PDF] Laughing, breathing, clicking-The prosody of nonverbal vocalisations

J Trouvain - Proceedings of Speech Prosody, 2014 - isca-archive.org
When analysing human spoken communication the focus on the linguistic side lies on
speech with its verbal message, whereas the focus on the non-linguistic side usually is on …

[PDF][PDF] Laughter animation synthesis

Y Ding, K Prepin, J Huang, C Pelachaud… - Proceedings of the …, 2014 - researchgate.net
Laughter is an important communicative signal in humanhuman communication. However,
very few attempts have been made to model laughter animation synthesis for virtual …

Laugh-aware virtual agent and its impact on user amusement

R Niewiadomski, J Hofmann, J Urbain, T Platt… - 2013 - zora.uzh.ch
In this paper we present a complete interactive system enabled to detect human laughs and
respond appropriately, by integrating the information of the human behavior and the context …

[PDF][PDF] Towards an Annotation Scheme for Complex Laughter in Speech Corpora.

KP Truong, J Trouvain, MP Jansen - Interspeech, 2019 - isca-archive.org
Although laughter research has gained quite some interest over the past few years, a shared
description of how to annotate laughter and its sub-units is still missing. We present a first …

Laughter recognition using non-invasive wearable devices

E Di Lascio, S Gashi, S Santini - … of the 13th EAI International Conference …, 2019 - dl.acm.org
A growing number of pervasive systems integrate emotion recognition capabilities with the
aim of fostering and promoting human health and wellbeing. In this paper, we argue that …

AVLaughterCycle: Enabling a virtual agent to join in laughing with a conversational partner using a similarity-driven audiovisual laughter animation

J Urbain, R Niewiadomski, E Bevacqua, T Dutoit… - Journal on Multimodal …, 2010 - Springer
The AVLaughterCycle project aims at develo** an audiovisual laughing machine, able to
detect and respond to user's laughs. Laughter is an important cue to reinforce the …