Quantum dots for photonic quantum information technology
The generation, manipulation, storage, and detection of single photons play a central role in
emerging photonic quantum information technology. Individual photons serve as flying …
emerging photonic quantum information technology. Individual photons serve as flying …
A source of entangled photons based on a cavity-enhanced and strain-tuned GaAs quantum dot
A quantum-light source that delivers photons with a high brightness and a high degree of
entanglement is fundamental for the development of efficient entanglement-based quantum …
entanglement is fundamental for the development of efficient entanglement-based quantum …
Signatures of the optical stark effect on entangled photon pairs from resonantly pumped quantum dots
Two-photon resonant excitation of the biexciton-exciton cascade in a quantum dot generates
highly polarization-entangled photon pairs in a near-deterministic way. However, the …
highly polarization-entangled photon pairs in a near-deterministic way. However, the …
Interplay between hyperfine and anisotropic exchange interactions in exciton luminescence of quantum dots
The optical orientation and alignment of excitons in semiconductor indirect gap quantum
dots have been studied theoretically. A special regime is analyzed in which the energy of the …
dots have been studied theoretically. A special regime is analyzed in which the energy of the …
[PDF][PDF] Appendix B. Peer-reviewed publications and pre-prints
TM Krieger - Quantum Dots as Bright Sources of Entangled Photon …, 2024 - epub.jku.at
[49] C. Gabriel, C. Wittmann, D. Sych, R. Dong, W. Mauerer, UL Andersen, C. Marquardt, and
G. Leuchs.“A generator for unique quantum random numbers based on vacuum states” …
G. Leuchs.“A generator for unique quantum random numbers based on vacuum states” …
Роль сверхтонкого и анизотропного обменного взаимодействий в экситонной люминесценции квантовых точек
ДС Смирнов, ЕЛ Ивченко - Оптика и спектроскопия, 2024 - mathnet.ru
Теоретически исследованы оптическая ориентация и выстраивание экситонов в
полупроводниковых непрямозонных квантовых точках. Проанализирован особый …
полупроводниковых непрямозонных квантовых точках. Проанализирован особый …
[PDF][PDF] Language Skills
A Rastelli - francescobassobasset.github.io
[3] Pirard G., Basso Basset, F., Bietti, S., Sanguinetti S., Trotta R. and Bester G., Effects of
random alloy disorder, shape deformation, and substrate misorientation on the exciton …
random alloy disorder, shape deformation, and substrate misorientation on the exciton …
Rapid Thermal Annealing of InGaAs Quantum Dots/Author Christoph Plattner
C Plattner - 2023 - epub.jku.at
Abstract In this thesis, InAs/GaAs QDs are fabricated via molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) in
order to study their emission properties after thermal processing. The incorporation of Indium …
order to study their emission properties after thermal processing. The incorporation of Indium …