Setting the agenda for climate assemblies. Trade-offs and guiding principles
J Pfeffer - Climate Policy, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
Citizens' assemblies on climate change are increasingly popular to support democratic
decision-making. Such Climate Assemblies (CAs) convene representative groups of citizens …
decision-making. Such Climate Assemblies (CAs) convene representative groups of citizens …
Expert hearings in mini-publics: How does the field of expertise influence deliberation and its outcomes?
One of key goals of deliberative mini-publics is to counteract expert domination in
policymaking. Mini-publics can be expected to democratize expertise by providing citizens …
policymaking. Mini-publics can be expected to democratize expertise by providing citizens …
Constructing citizen engagement in health research priority‐setting to attend to dynamics of power and difference
B Pratt - Develo** world bioethics, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Engaging citizens is vital to achieving people‐centred health research. This paper aims to
put attention to dynamics of power and dynamics of difference back at the centre of citizen …
put attention to dynamics of power and dynamics of difference back at the centre of citizen …
A simple intervention to reduce framing effects in perceptions of global climate change
This paper explores a technique for mitigating framing effects in perceptions of global
climate change. People's opinions on issues ranging from same sex marriage and the …
climate change. People's opinions on issues ranging from same sex marriage and the …
Towards inclusive priority-setting for global health research projects: recommendations for sharing power with communities
B Pratt - Health Policy and Planning, 2019 - academic.oup.com
Global health research priority-setting is dominated by funders and researchers, often from
high-income countries. Engaging communities that are considered disadvantaged and …
high-income countries. Engaging communities that are considered disadvantaged and …
[HTML][HTML] What do you mean'Climate Change'? An analysis of climate change framings in three climate assemblies
How climate change is framed within CAs is critical for both the democratic legitimacy and
transformative potential of CAs. Narrow technical frames can exclude valid perspectives and …
transformative potential of CAs. Narrow technical frames can exclude valid perspectives and …
There is no pill for deliberation: Explaining discourse quality in post‐conflict communities
Recent experimental research suggests that ordinary citizens are capable of behaving in a
democratic and deliberative way in controversial political debates, when given the right …
democratic and deliberative way in controversial political debates, when given the right …
Better not talk? A mixed-methods experimental analysis of avoiding sensitive issues in post-conflict settings
JE Ugarriza, DC Acuña… - Cooperation and …, 2023 - journals.sagepub.com
Ex-combatants, war victims, and violence-affected community members are typically forced
to live together as neighbors in post-conflict settings. Cases all over the world accumulate …
to live together as neighbors in post-conflict settings. Cases all over the world accumulate …
Institutional innovations in public participation for improved local governance and urban sustainability in India
S Menon, J Hartz-Karp - Sustainable Earth, 2019 - Springer
Background Improving urban governance is an imperative for India, with its accelerated rate
of urbanization, distrust of government, and inadequate public involvement in policy …
of urbanization, distrust of government, and inadequate public involvement in policy …
The Culture of Deliberation in Muslim Society and The Challenge of Mutual Respect Among Cultures: Social and political perspectives
The paper makes a brief account of what HAR Gibb said was the historic and decisive event
in achieving consensus—the classical practice used in deciding the succession of the …
in achieving consensus—the classical practice used in deciding the succession of the …