Colloidal hard spheres: Triumphs, challenges, and mysteries
The simplicity of hard spheres as a model system is deceptive. Although the particles
interact solely through volume exclusion, that nevertheless suffices for a wealth of static and …
interact solely through volume exclusion, that nevertheless suffices for a wealth of static and …
Glass and jamming transitions: From exact results to finite-dimensional descriptions
Despite decades of work, gaining a first-principles understanding of amorphous materials
remains an extremely challenging problem. However, recent theoretical breakthroughs have …
remains an extremely challenging problem. However, recent theoretical breakthroughs have …
Continuum limit of the vibrational properties of amorphous solids
The low-frequency vibrational and low-temperature thermal properties of amorphous solids
are markedly different from those of crystalline solids. This situation is counterintuitive …
are markedly different from those of crystalline solids. This situation is counterintuitive …
Low-energy quasilocalized excitations in structural glasses
Glassy solids exhibit a wide variety of generic thermomechanical properties, ranging from
universal anomalous specific heat at cryogenic temperatures to nonlinear plastic yielding …
universal anomalous specific heat at cryogenic temperatures to nonlinear plastic yielding …
Low-frequency vibrational modes of stable glasses
Unusual features of the vibrational density of states D (ω) of glasses allow one to rationalize
their peculiar low-temperature properties. Simulational studies of D (ω) have been restricted …
their peculiar low-temperature properties. Simulational studies of D (ω) have been restricted …
Statistics and properties of low-frequency vibrational modes in structural glasses
Low-frequency vibrational modes play a central role in determining various basic properties
of glasses, yet their statistical and mechanical properties are not fully understood. Using …
of glasses, yet their statistical and mechanical properties are not fully understood. Using …
Edwards statistical mechanics for jammed granular matter
In 1989, Sir Sam Edwards made the visionary proposition to treat jammed granular materials
using a volume ensemble of equiprobable jammed states in analogy to thermal equilibrium …
using a volume ensemble of equiprobable jammed states in analogy to thermal equilibrium …
Universal nonphononic density of states in 2D, 3D, and 4D glasses
It is now well established that structural glasses possess disorder-and frustration-induced
soft quasilocalized excitations, which play key roles in various glassy phenomena. Recent …
soft quasilocalized excitations, which play key roles in various glassy phenomena. Recent …
Low-frequency vibrational spectrum of mean-field disordered systems
We study a recently introduced and exactly solvable mean-field model for the density of
vibrational states D (ω) of a structurally disordered system. The model is formulated as a …
vibrational states D (ω) of a structurally disordered system. The model is formulated as a …
Gardner physics in amorphous solids and beyond
Note: This Perspective offers a progress report for the Simons collaboration “Cracking the
Glass Problem,” of which the authors are some of the principal investigators. While the …
Glass Problem,” of which the authors are some of the principal investigators. While the …