The scope and limits of financial liberalisation in develo** countries: A critical survey
HD Gibson, E Tsakalotos - The Journal of Development Studies, 1994 - Taylor & Francis
This article reviews the growing literature on financial reform in develo** countries. We
draw both on the theoretical contributions outlining the case for and against liberalisation as …
draw both on the theoretical contributions outlining the case for and against liberalisation as …
National innovation systems: why they are important, and how they might be measured and compared
We shall argue that the notion of 'national systems of innovation'is a useful one, since it
treats explicitly what was ignored in earlier models of technical change: namely, deliberate …
treats explicitly what was ignored in earlier models of technical change: namely, deliberate …
A future for socialism
JE Roemer - Politics & Society, 1994 - journals.sagepub.com
The demise of the Communist system in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe has caused
many to believe that socialism cannot exist, either in the present world or as an ideal. I shall …
many to believe that socialism cannot exist, either in the present world or as an ideal. I shall …
[КНИГА][B] The economics of transition: from socialist economy to market economy
M Lavigne - 1999 - books.google.com
Substantially revised and updated the second edition of this highly acclaimed text is both a
vital guide and a valuable critical analysis. The book provides a contemporary comparative …
vital guide and a valuable critical analysis. The book provides a contemporary comparative …
На пути к новой теории реформ
ВМ Полтерович - Экономическая наука современной России, 1999 - cyberleninka.ru
Недавние исследования процессов реформирования экономики свидетельствуют, что
применение рецептов неолиберальной школы ведет к неадекватным потерям …
применение рецептов неолиберальной школы ведет к неадекватным потерям …
[КНИГА][B] Debt, financial fragility, and systemic risk
EP Davis - 1992 - books.google.com
A remarkable feature of the period since 1970 has been the patterns of rapid and turbulent
change in financing behaviour and financial structure in many advanced countries. These …
change in financing behaviour and financial structure in many advanced countries. These …
К руководству для реформаторов: некоторые выводы из теории экономических реформ
ВМ Полтерович - Экономическая наука современной России, 2005 - cyberleninka.ru
Обсуждается задача разработки «руководства для реформаторов», которое облегчило
бы планирование и осуществление эффективных преобразований экономических …
бы планирование и осуществление эффективных преобразований экономических …
Issues in corporate accountability and governance: An editorial
Corporate governance concerns the structures and processes associated with production,
decisionmaking, control and so on within an organisation. Accountability, which is a sub-set …
decisionmaking, control and so on within an organisation. Accountability, which is a sub-set …
[КНИГА][B] The market meets its match: Restructuring the economies of Eastern Europe
AH Amsden, J Kochanowicz, L Taylor - 1998 - books.google.com
Under free-market shock therapy, the economies of Eastern Europe have plunged into crisis.
Shortages may have disappeared, but so have social services, a living wage, and equitable …
Shortages may have disappeared, but so have social services, a living wage, and equitable …
[КНИГА][B] Financial sector development in transition economies: Lessons from the first decade
The first decade of transition witnessed rapid and tumultuous financial sector development.
Although, few transition economies have reached the point where institutions and markets …
Although, few transition economies have reached the point where institutions and markets …