Perancangan Chassis Prototype Mobil Warak dan Simulasi Statik dengan Metode Finite Element Analysis
Chassis is the most important part of the vehicle. The purpose of the Chassis is to get
optimal results between the size of the Chassis and the level of Safety Factor that is qualified …
optimal results between the size of the Chassis and the level of Safety Factor that is qualified …
Analisis Aerodinamika Kendaraan Tipe Prototype Tim Riset Hemat Energi Teknik Mesin UBB
BS Wibowo, JS Harefa, MZ Abdi… - … : Jurnal Multidisiplin Ilmu, 2022 - neliti.com
Kompetisi Mobil Hemat energi (KMHE) merupakan sebuah kompetisi di bidang otomotif
kategori prototype dan urban concept yang dilakukan setiap tahunnya. Dalam ajang ini …
kategori prototype dan urban concept yang dilakukan setiap tahunnya. Dalam ajang ini …
Desain Dan Analisis Aerodinamis Body Mobil Hemat Energi Jogopati Tipe Prototype Menggunakan Metode Computational Fluid Dynamics
Besar konsumsi bahan bakar dari sebuah mobil tergantung pada berbagai faktor, salah
satunya ke aerodinamis-an suatu body mobil tersebut. Semakin aerodinamis suatu body …
satunya ke aerodinamis-an suatu body mobil tersebut. Semakin aerodinamis suatu body …
[PDF][PDF] Aerodynamic Analysis of Fiberglass E-Falco Car Body to Get Drag Coefficient with Numerical Analysis
One of the developments in automotive technology is identified by the increasing variety of
vehicle products in the market. This development also leads to the refinement of the design …
vehicle products in the market. This development also leads to the refinement of the design …
[PDF][PDF] Pengaruh Penambahan Gurney Flap Pada Airfoil Naca 0015
Airfoil is a modern geometry used on airplane wings, thus making research on airfoils very
popular among researchers in the field of aerodynamics to increase the value of the lift …
popular among researchers in the field of aerodynamics to increase the value of the lift …
Desain, analisis aerodinamika, dan pemodelan mobil mikro berdasarkan antropometri tubuh orang Indonesia
Mobil mikro adalah mobil dengan dimensi kecil yang hanya bisa diisi oleh satu atau dua
orang saja. Mobil mikro dapat menjadi salah satu alternatif kendaraan pilihan masyarakat …
orang saja. Mobil mikro dapat menjadi salah satu alternatif kendaraan pilihan masyarakat …
System Telemetry for Mobile Devices Using the GPS Neo-6M and DHT11 Modules A Case Study by IMEI Team
C Cholilurrohmana, I Sulistiyowati… - JEEMECS (Journal of …, 2023 - jurnal.unmer.ac.id
Telemetry systems are used during Formula One (F1) and Shell Eco Marathon (SEM) races
to monitor car conditions and performance during the race. This telemetry system is …
to monitor car conditions and performance during the race. This telemetry system is …
[PDF][PDF] System Telemetry for Mobile Devices Using the GPS Neo-6M and DHT11 Modules A Case Study by IMEI Team
K Mobil, H Energi - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
Formula One was the first motorsport competition held in 1950, IndyCar was the first in
America, and MotoGP was the first in 1949 [1]. System telemetry collects data from a car or …
America, and MotoGP was the first in 1949 [1]. System telemetry collects data from a car or …
Analisis Aerodinamika Bodi Kendaraan KMHE Jayabaya Prototype 2.0
RP Ananda, A Akbar… - Prosiding SEMNAS …, 2021 - proceeding.unpkediri.ac.id
Besar konsumsi bahan bakar dari sebuah kendaraan tergantung dari berbagai faktor. Faktor-
faktor yang paling penting adalah tingkat ke-aerodinamis-an bodi kendaraan, sasis dan …
faktor yang paling penting adalah tingkat ke-aerodinamis-an bodi kendaraan, sasis dan …
Aerodynamic Analysis of Diesel Engine Prototype Vehicle Body Design Using Ansys Fluent
FI Dinul, RP Putra, R Refdinal… - Jurnal Vokasi …, 2025 - vomek.ppj.unp.ac.id
Transportation industry is the third largest energy consumer, the focus on energy saving in
vehicles and reducing exhaust emissions is major concern. Aerodynamics is one of the …
vehicles and reducing exhaust emissions is major concern. Aerodynamics is one of the …