Mobile embodied conversational agent for task specific applications

M Santos-Perez, E Gonzalez-Parada… - IEEE Transactions …, 2013 -
In the recent years major efforts have been made to promote the use of virtual assistants on
mobile devices. But in most cases these assistants can only manage a limited and …

Toward a quizmaster robot for speech-based multiparty interaction

I Nishimuta, K Itoyama, K Yoshii, HG Okuno - Advanced Robotics, 2015 - Taylor & Francis
This paper presents an interactive quizmaster robot that can manage a multiparty speech-
based quiz game. The basic flow of the quiz game is that (1) the robot reads a question,(2) …

Speak to action: offline and hybrid language recognition on embedded board for smart control system

AP Pant, KR Wu, YC Tseng - 2020 International computer …, 2020 -
With the rise of Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things, more and more applications are
designed to bring benefit for our daily life. Voice is an easily generated input method by …

Development of a robot quizmaster with auditory functions for speech-based multiparty interaction

I Nishimuta, K Yoshii, K Itoyama… - 2014 IEEE/SICE …, 2014 -
This paper presents a robot quizmaster that has auditory functions (ie, ears) for moderating a
multiplayer quiz game. The most basic form of oral interaction in a quiz game is that a …

A robot quizmaster that can localize, separate, and recognize simultaneous utterances for a fastest-voice-first quiz game

I Nishimuta, N Hirayama, K Yoshii… - 2014 IEEE-RAS …, 2014 -
This paper presents an interactive humanoid robot that can moderate a multi-player fastest-
voice-first-type quiz game by leveraging state-of-the-art robot audition techniques such as …

Real-time voice transmission over wireless sensor network (VoWSN) based automatic speech recognition (ASR) technique

I Fathi, Q Ali, JM Abdul-Jabbar - Al-Rafidain Engineering …, 2019 -
In this paper an efficient Real-Time Voice over Wireless sensor network (VoWSN) platform
based on Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) system to be used in emergency scenarios …

Multi-party Interactions by Quizmaster Robot in Speech-based Jeopardy! like Games

I Nishimuta, K Itoyama, K Yoshii… - 2017 International …, 2017 -
Robot Audition enables a robot to listen to simultaneous utterances via its own ears by
localizing and separating sound sources and recognizing separated sounds. Although …

ECA-based control interface on Android for home automation system

M Santos-Pérez, E González-Parada… - 2013 IEEE …, 2013 -
Historically, Embodied Conversational Agents (ECAs) have been used as virtual assistants
that make easier the access to information or help in performing complex tasks. Due to their …

نقل الصوت بالزمن الحقیقی عبر شبکة المتحسسات اللاسلکیة باستخدام تقنیة تمییز الکلام التلقائیة

فتحی, انعام, ابراهیم علی, قتیبة… - مجلة هندسة الرافدین …, 2019‎ -
فی هذا البحث، یتم اقتراح وتنفیذ وتقییم شبکة فعالة فی الوقت الحقیقی لشبکة استشعار
الصوت عبر الإنترنت (VoWSN) تعتمد على نظام التعرف التلقائی على الکلام (ASR) لاستخدامه …