VPIC 2.0: Next generation particle-in-cell simulations
VPIC is a general purpose particle-in-cell simulation code for modeling plasma phenomena
such as magnetic reconnection, fusion, solar weather, and laser-plasma interaction in three …
such as magnetic reconnection, fusion, solar weather, and laser-plasma interaction in three …
Parallelization and optimization of NSGA-II on sunway TaihuLight system
X Liu, J Sun, L Zheng, S Wang, Y Liu… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2020 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Sunway TaihuLight system is the first supercomputer offering a peak performance over 100
PFlops, which can be utilized to parallelize Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II …
PFlops, which can be utilized to parallelize Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II …
CCAMP: An integrated translation and optimization framework for OpenACC and OpenMP
Heterogeneous computing and exploration into specialized accelerators are inevitable in
current and future supercomputers. Although this diversity of devices is promising for …
current and future supercomputers. Although this diversity of devices is promising for …
ESA: An efficient sequence alignment algorithm for biological database search on Sunway TaihuLight
H Zhang, Z Huang, Y Chen, J Liang, X Gao - Parallel computing, 2023 - Elsevier
In computational biology, biological database search has been playing a very important role.
Since the COVID-19 outbreak, it has provided significant help in identifying common …
Since the COVID-19 outbreak, it has provided significant help in identifying common …
MD simulation of hundred-billion-metal-atom cascade collision on Sunway Taihulight
G Chu, Y Li, R Zhao, S Ren, W Yang, X He, C Hu… - Computer Physics …, 2021 - Elsevier
Radiation damage to the steel material of reactor pressure vessels is a major threat to the
nuclear reactor safety. It is caused by the metal atom cascade collision, initialized when the …
nuclear reactor safety. It is caused by the metal atom cascade collision, initialized when the …
CUBE–Towards an Optimal Scaling of Cosmological N-body Simulations
N-body simulations are essential tools in physical cosmology to understand the large-scale
structure (LSS) formation of the universe. Large-scale simulations with high resolution are …
structure (LSS) formation of the universe. Large-scale simulations with high resolution are …
Distributed Heterogeneous Spiking Neural Network Simulator Using Sunway Accelerators
Spiking Neural Network (SNN) simulation is very important for studying brain function and
validating the hypotheses for neuroscience, and it can also be used in artificial intelligence …
validating the hypotheses for neuroscience, and it can also be used in artificial intelligence …
Implementation and optimisation of the cdugksFoam solver on the Sunway TaihuLight supercomputer
J Guo, Y Wang, R Zhang, F Zhang, T Zhao… - Computer Physics …, 2025 - Elsevier
In this study, the cdugksFoam solver was successfully implemented on the Sunway
TaihuLight system using the MPI+ Athread programming model. To utilise the …
TaihuLight system using the MPI+ Athread programming model. To utilise the …
Scalable tasking runtime with parallelized builders for explicit message passing architectures
The sequential task flow (STF) model introduces implicit data dependences to exploit task-
based parallelism, simplifying programming but also introducing non-negligible runtime …
based parallelism, simplifying programming but also introducing non-negligible runtime …
An empirical study of hpc workloads on huawei kunpeng 916 processor
YC Wang, JK Chen, BR Li, SC Zuo… - 2019 IEEE 25th …, 2019 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The ARM-based server processors have been gaining momentum in high performance
computing (HPC). While not designed specifically for HPC, Huawei Kunpeng 916 processor …
computing (HPC). While not designed specifically for HPC, Huawei Kunpeng 916 processor …