Supercontinent–superplume coupling, true polar wander and plume mobility: plate dominance in whole-mantle tectonics

ZX Li, S Zhong - Physics of the Earth and Planetary interiors, 2009 - Elsevier
Seismic tomography has illustrated convincingly the whole-mantle nature of mantle
convection, and the lower mantle origin of the African and Pacific superplumes. However …

A mantle convection perspective on global tectonics

N Coltice, M Gérault, M Ulvrová - Earth-science reviews, 2017 - Elsevier
The concept of interplay between mantle convection and tectonics goes back to about a
century ago, with the proposal that convection currents in the Earth's mantle drive …

Geodynamic diagnostics, scientific visualisation and StagLab 3.0

F Crameri - Geoscientific Model Development, 2018 -
Today's geodynamic models can, often do and sometimes have to become very complex.
Their underlying, increasingly elaborate numerical codes produce a growing amount of raw …

Lithosphere tearing at STEP faults: Response to edges of subduction zones

R Govers, MJR Wortel - Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2005 - Elsevier
Slab edges are a relatively common feature in plate tectonics. Two prominent examples are
the northern end of the Tonga subduction zone and the southern end of the New Hebrides …

Role of temperature‐dependent viscosity and surface plates in spherical shell models of mantle convection

S Zhong, MT Zuber, L Moresi… - Journal of Geophysical …, 2000 - Wiley Online Library
Layered viscosity, temperature‐dependent viscosity, and surface plates have an important
effect on the scale and morphology of structure in spherical models of mantle convection …

Plate tectonics, damage and inheritance

D Bercovici, Y Ricard - Nature, 2014 -
The initiation of plate tectonics on Earth is a critical event in our planet's history. The time lag
between the first proto-subduction (about 4 billion years ago) and global tectonics …

Self‐consistent generation of tectonic plates in time‐dependent, three‐dimensional mantle convection simulations

PJ Tackley - Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 2000 - Wiley Online Library
Presented here are self‐consistent, three‐dimensional simulations of mantle convection,
some of which display an approximation of plate tectonic behavior that is continuous in …

Plate tectonic reconstructions with continuously closing plates

M Gurnis, M Turner, S Zahirovic, L DiCaprio… - Computers & …, 2012 - Elsevier
We present a new algorithm for modeling a self-consistent set of global plate polygons. Each
plate polygon is composed of a finite list of plate margins, all with different Euler poles. We …

The dynamics of plate tectonics and mantle flow: From local to global scales

G Stadler, M Gurnis, C Burstedde, LC Wilcox, L Alisic… - science, 2010 -
Plate tectonics is regulated by driving and resisting forces concentrated at plate boundaries,
but observationally constrained high-resolution models of global mantle flow remain a …

A benchmark study on mantle convection in a 3‐D spherical shell using CitcomS

S Zhong, A McNamara, E Tan… - Geochemistry …, 2008 - Wiley Online Library
As high‐performance computing facilities and sophisticated modeling software become
available, modeling mantle convection in a three‐dimensional (3‐D) spherical shell …