Imaging orbitals with attosecond and Ångström resolutions: toward attochemistry?

P Salières, A Maquet, S Haessler… - Reports on Progress …, 2012‏ -
The recently developed attosecond light sources make the investigation of ultrafast
processes in matter possible with unprecedented time resolution. It has been proposed that …

Quantitative rescattering theory for high-order harmonic generation from molecules

AT Le, RR Lucchese, S Tonzani, T Morishita… - Physical Review A …, 2009‏ - APS
The quantitative rescattering theory (QRS) for high-order harmonic generation (HHG) by
intense laser pulses is presented. According to the QRS, HHG spectra can be expressed as …

Improved strong-field approximation and quantum-orbit theory: Application to ionization by a bicircular laser field

DB Milošević, W Becker - Physical Review A, 2016‏ - APS
A theory of above-threshold ionization of atoms by a strong laser field is formulated. Two
versions of the strong-field approximation (SFA) are considered, the direct SFA and the …

Strong-field approximation for ionization of a diatomic molecule by a strong laser field

DB Milošević - Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical …, 2006‏ - APS
We present a theory of ionization of diatomic molecules by a strong laser field. A diatomic
molecule is considered as a three-particle system, which consists of two heavy atomic (ionic) …

Determination of structure parameters in strong-field tunneling ionization theory of molecules

SF Zhao, C **, AT Le, TF Jiang, CD Lin - Physical Review A—Atomic …, 2010‏ - APS
In the strong field molecular tunneling ionization theory of Tong [Phys. Rev. A 66, 033402
(2002)], the ionization rate depends on the asymptotic wave function of the molecular orbital …

Possibility of introducing spin into attoscience with spin-polarized electrons produced by a bichromatic circularly polarized laser field

DB Milošević - Physical Review A, 2016‏ - APS
We show that the electrons, produced in strong-bicircular-field-induced above-threshold
ionization of inert-gas atoms, have a large spin asymmetry if the ions exhibit fine-structure …

Strong-field ionization of polar molecules: Stark-shift-corrected strong-field approximation

D Dimitrovski, CPJ Martiny, LB Madsen - Physical Review A—Atomic …, 2010‏ - APS
We extend the molecular strong-field approximation for ionization, in the tunneling limit, to
include systematically the linear and quadratic static Stark shifts of the ionizing molecular …

Single-active-electron approximation for describing molecules in ultrashort laser pulses and its application to molecular hydrogen

M Awasthi, YV Vanne, A Saenz, A Castro… - Physical Review A …, 2008‏ - APS
A numerical approach that allows for the solution of the time-dependent Schrödinger
equation (TDSE) describing molecules exposed to intense short laser pulses was …

Application of the weak-field asymptotic theory to the analysis of tunneling ionization of linear molecules

LB Madsen, OI Tolstikhin, T Morishita - Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular …, 2012‏ - APS
The recently developed weak-field asymptotic theory [Phys. Rev. A 84, 053423 (2011) 1050-
2947 10.1103/PhysRevA. 84.053423] is applied to the analysis of tunneling ionization of a …

Extending the strong-field approximation of high-order harmonic generation to polar molecules: gating mechanisms and extension of the harmonic cutoff

A Etches, LB Madsen - Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular …, 2010‏ -
Polar molecules such as CO are interesting target systems for high-order harmonic
generation (HHG) as they can be oriented with current laser techniques, thus allowing the …