Insulating agencies: Avoiding capture through institutional design

RE Barkow - Tex. L. Rev., 2010 - HeinOnline
protection, an area with the kind of one-sided interest group pressure that is a breeding
ground for capture. The Article explores the relationship between the institutional design of …

[CARTE][B] Fragile democracies: contested power in the era of constitutional courts

S Issacharoff - 2015 -
Twenty-five years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, the democratic ascendency of the post-
Soviet era is under severe challenge. While fragile democracies in Eastern Europe, Africa …

Fragile democracies

S Issacharoff - Harv. L. Rev., 2006 - HeinOnline
T he 2006 controversy surrounding the Danish cartoons mocking Islam provides an
illuminating window into the problem of what may be termed democratic intolerance'-that is …

Politicians as fiduciaries

DT Rave - Harv. L. Rev., 2012 - HeinOnline
When incumbent legislators draw the districts from which they are elected, the conflicts of
interest are glaring: incumbents can and do gerrymander district lines to entrench …

Illiberal democracy: The toxic mix of fake news, hyperpolarization, and partisan election administration

AJ Gaughan - Duke J. Const. L. & Pub. Pol'y, 2016 - HeinOnline
The 2016 presidential election shook American democracy to its foundations. In an
unprecedented development, the CIA and FBI concluded that the Russian government …

[CARTE][B] The successes and failures of whistleblower laws

RG Vaughn - 2012 -
" A new roadmap for understanding the diverse perspectives and disparate bodies of law
involved in any legal regime aimed at encouraging people in organisations to speak up …

[CARTE][B] The democracy index: Why our election system is failing and how to fix it

HK Gerken - 2009 -
Despite howls for reform, the only thing separating us from another election disaster of the
kind that hit Florida in 2000, and that almost struck again in Ohio in 2004, may simply be …

Our electoral exceptionalism

NO Stephanopoulos - U. Chi. L. Rev., 2013 - HeinOnline
Our Electoral Exceptionalism Page 1 Our Electoral Exceptionalism Nicholas O.
Stephanopoulost Election law suffers from a comparative blind spot. Scholars in the field have …

Informing consent: Voter ignorance, political parties, and election law

CS Elmendorf, D Schleicher - U. Ill. L. Rev., 2013 - HeinOnline
Most voters are astonishingly ignorant of the basic facts about government and politics.
Pioneering survey research by University of Michigan political scientists focused the …

Election Commissions and Electoral Reform: An Overview

CS Elmendorf - Election Law Journal, 2006 -
American legal academy is experiencing an upsurge of interest in the nuts and bolts of
election administration. The widespread perception that party-affiliated election …