Cost-effective experimental setup for studies of spin Seebeck effect and electrical transport in thermoelectric materials
P Wongjom, W Thongsamrit… - IEEE Transactions …, 2019 -
In this article, we report on the design of a low-cost, accurate, and easy-to-implement room-
temperature experimental setup to comprehensively study the spin Seebeck effect (SSE) in …
temperature experimental setup to comprehensively study the spin Seebeck effect (SSE) in …
[HTML][HTML] Optimization of on-axis magnetic field of uniformly magnetized cones
O Batishchev, A Hyde - Journal of Applied Physics, 2023 -
The magnetic field B induced along the axis of symmetry of axially magnetized cones was
studied analytically and experimentally for various cone angles α. An explicit algebraic …
studied analytically and experimentally for various cone angles α. An explicit algebraic …
Development and characterization of RF-driven plasma and UV light sources
AR Hyde - 2019 -
The research work contained in this thesis is focused on the experimental and numerical
study of radio frequency (RF) gas discharges, as well as the theoretical study and …
study of radio frequency (RF) gas discharges, as well as the theoretical study and …
Shim-free homebuilt 2 T magnet for NMR spectroscopy with sub-ppm resolution and sub-nanomole sensitivity
AH Velders, S Baas - 2023 -
Abstract Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy is quintessential for molecular
characterization and quantification in many research areas. However, a major drawback is …
characterization and quantification in many research areas. However, a major drawback is …
Investigations of phase transitions in magnetic materials by magnetic-field-and temperature-dependent x-ray diffraction
T Faske - 2023 -
The subject of this doctoral work is the assembly of a laboratory-based x-ray diffractometer
with magnet and non-ambient sample temperature environment for investigations of …
with magnet and non-ambient sample temperature environment for investigations of …
Research on Jet Flow Field of Magnetohydrodynamics Propulsion System
JH Cheng - 2022 -
The study outlines the design of a magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) thruster system which is
capable to power a 3-meter ship model cruising at a speed of V= 0.5 m/s using the Lorentz …
capable to power a 3-meter ship model cruising at a speed of V= 0.5 m/s using the Lorentz …
Ablative Arc Mining for In Situ Resource Utilization
AD Greig - Earth and Space 2022, 2022 -
As space exploration expands to include human expeditions to the surfaces of other
planetary bodies, sustainable in situ resource utilization (ISRU) infrastructures to harvest …
planetary bodies, sustainable in situ resource utilization (ISRU) infrastructures to harvest …