Exploring the impact of generative AI-based technologies on learning performance through self-efficacy, fairness & ethics, creativity, and trust in higher education
MF Shahzad, S Xu, H Zahid - Education and Information Technologies, 2024 - Springer
Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies have rapidly transformed the education sector and
affect student learning performance, particularly in China, a burgeoning educational …
affect student learning performance, particularly in China, a burgeoning educational …
Gamifying science education: How board games enhances engagement, motivate and develop social interaction, and learning
MK Othman, SK Ching - Education and Information Technologies, 2024 - Springer
This study investigates the impact of gamified learning, specifically through computerised
and paper-based board games, compared to conventional teaching methods on science …
and paper-based board games, compared to conventional teaching methods on science …
[HTML][HTML] Challenges to female engineers' employment in the conservative and unstable society of Taiz state, Yemen: a survey study
Typically, the underrepresentation of female engineers in education, employment, and
leadership is a worldwide social issue. The present study investigates the critical …
leadership is a worldwide social issue. The present study investigates the critical …
[HTML][HTML] Who Will Save Energy? An Extension of Social Cognitive Theory with Place Attachment to Understand Residents' Energy-Saving Behaviors
With environmental concerns gaining prominence, the study of energy-saving behavior
(ESB) has captured global expert attention. This research applied the SCT model and …
(ESB) has captured global expert attention. This research applied the SCT model and …
[HTML][HTML] Enhancing High School Students' STEM Major Intention Through Digital Competence: A Large-Scale Cross-Sectional Survey
J Liu, Y Zhang, H Luo, X Zhang, W Li - Sustainability, 2024 - mdpi.com
Faced with a shortage of college graduates with STEM degrees, many countries are seeking
ways to attract more high school students to pursue STEM majors after graduation. This …
ways to attract more high school students to pursue STEM majors after graduation. This …
A Multi-Dimensional Scale for Measuring Undergraduates Interest in STEM Disciplines
One of the major challenges faced by the education system today is the lack of interest
exhibited by undergraduates in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics …
exhibited by undergraduates in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics …
Psychometric validation and gender invariance analysis of a revised version of the attitudes towards research scale (EACIN-23) in a Chilean university student sample
Scientific research is vital for student's education, fostering critical thinking, problem-solving
skills, and deepening subject knowledge. To assess students' attitudes towards research …
skills, and deepening subject knowledge. To assess students' attitudes towards research …
[HTML][HTML] Math anxiety mediates the association between gender and STEM-related attitudes: Evidence from a large-scale study
Math anxiety (MA) is a prevalent academic anxiety that can affect student mental health and
academic performance worldwide. Using a very large sample of students in grades 7 to 10 …
academic performance worldwide. Using a very large sample of students in grades 7 to 10 …
Phenomenological insights into socio-psychological and network dynamics of women entrepreneurs
Purpose This study investigates the socio-psychological and network dynamics influencing
women's entrepreneurial journeys in Bangladesh. It focuses on understanding how societal …
women's entrepreneurial journeys in Bangladesh. It focuses on understanding how societal …
[PDF][PDF] FizaAR: An Augmented Reality Learning Kit Integrating Social Cognitive Theory in Learning Physics
Physics education involves abstract concepts and mathematical problem-solving skills that
can be potentially improved using Social Cognitive Theory (SCT). Although SCT has the …
can be potentially improved using Social Cognitive Theory (SCT). Although SCT has the …