Synthesis, applications, and prospects of graphene quantum dots: a comprehensive review
Graphene quantum dot (GQD) is one of the youngest superstars of the carbon family. Since
its emergence in 2008, GQD has attracted a great deal of attention due to its unique …
its emergence in 2008, GQD has attracted a great deal of attention due to its unique …
Recent advances on graphene quantum dots: from chemistry and physics to applications
Graphene quantum dots (GQDs) that are flat 0D nanomaterials have attracted increasing
interest because of their exceptional chemicophysical properties and novel applications in …
interest because of their exceptional chemicophysical properties and novel applications in …
Graphitic carbon nitride (gC 3 N 4)-based photocatalysts for solar hydrogen generation: recent advances and future development directions
Graphitic carbon nitride (g-C3N4) is a metal-free conjugated polymer constructed from two-
dimensional sheets with a bandgap energy of 2.7 eV, which makes it an applicable and …
dimensional sheets with a bandgap energy of 2.7 eV, which makes it an applicable and …
Group 6 transition metal dichalcogenide nanomaterials: synthesis, applications and future perspectives
Group 6 transition metal dichalcogenides (G6-TMDs), most notably MoS2, MoSe2, MoTe2,
WS2 and WSe2, constitute an important class of materials with a layered crystal structure …
WS2 and WSe2, constitute an important class of materials with a layered crystal structure …
Interface engineering of heterojunction photocatalysts based on 1D nanomaterials
Y Zhong, C Peng, Z He, D Chen, H Jia… - Catalysis Science & …, 2021 - pubs.rsc.org
Semiconductor photocatalysis is considered a promising approach to solve the current
energy shortage and environmental pollution problems. Due to their unique structures and …
energy shortage and environmental pollution problems. Due to their unique structures and …
Synthesis and photocatalytic applications of functionalized carbon quantum dots
Environmental degradation and energy shortages are becoming increasingly important as
science and technology advance. Here, we review the photocatalytic approach of …
science and technology advance. Here, we review the photocatalytic approach of …
Strategies to enhance ZnO photocatalyst's performance for water treatment: a comprehensive review
Despite the photocatalytic organic pollutant degradation using ZnO started in 1910–1911,
many challenges are still ahead, and several critical issues have to be addressed. Large …
many challenges are still ahead, and several critical issues have to be addressed. Large …
Graphene quantum dot-functionalized three-dimensional ordered mesoporous ZnO for acetone detection toward diagnosis of diabetes
The development of a high-performance semiconductor oxide sensor for the accurate
detection of trace disease biomarkers in exhaled breath is still a challenge that urgently …
detection of trace disease biomarkers in exhaled breath is still a challenge that urgently …
Highly efficient sunlight-driven photo-adsorptive degradation of organic pollutants by green synthesized Z-scheme heterojunction CeO 2@ ZnO nanocomposite
Creating a high-efficiency heterojunction with enhanced photocatalytic properties is
considered a promising approach to wastewater decontamination. Herein, Sapindus …
considered a promising approach to wastewater decontamination. Herein, Sapindus …
ZnS quantum dot intercalated layered double hydroxide semiconductors for solar water splitting and organic pollutant degradation
AR Amani-Ghadim, F Khodam… - Journal of Materials …, 2019 - pubs.rsc.org
Heterostructured nanocomposites consisting of MIIZnAl-layered double hydroxide/ZnS
quantum dots (MII= Co or Mn) are constructed to utilize the unique properties of the wide …
quantum dots (MII= Co or Mn) are constructed to utilize the unique properties of the wide …