Analysis of optical wireless MIMO communication in underwater medium

Y Ata, Y Baykal, MC Gökçe - IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2024 -
Leveraging on the multiple-input–multiple-output (MIMO) application for enabling high data
rates and ensuring reliable communication between underwater platforms connected to …

Performance analysis of a FSO link considering different atmospheric turbulence

M Rawshan Habib, AY Suhan, A Vadher… - … : Proceedings of ICICIT …, 2022 - Springer
Free space optical (FSO) technology is a quick-to-deploy and economical way of getting
access to the fiber optic network. FSO technology not only offers fiber-quality connections …

Performance of spatial diversity for FSO links with pointing errors over malaga turbulence

D Chen, M Lu, H Wang - 2021 19th international conference on …, 2021 -
Based on the joint probability density function of Malaga atmospheric turbulence and
pointing errors, the asymptotic expressions of the average BER for MIMO system with three …

Troposfer katmanındaki Rayleigh ve Mie saçılmaları kaynaklı zayıflamanın lazerli uydu haberleşme sistemlerinin performansına etkilerinin analizi

P Demir - 2020 -
Bu tez çalışmasında serbest uzay optik haberleşme sistemlerinde, atmosferik etkilerden biri
olan saçılmanın sistem kayıpları üzerine etkileri incelenmiştir. Belirlenen atmosferik gazların …