[HTML][HTML] Creativity, critical thinking, communication, and collaboration: assessment, certification, and promotion of 21st century skills for the future of work and …
This article addresses educational challenges posed by the future of work, examining “21st
century skills”, their conception, assessment, and valorization. It focuses in particular on key …
century skills”, their conception, assessment, and valorization. It focuses in particular on key …
Sustainability standards in global agrifood supply chains
Agrifood supply chains contribute to many environmental and social problems. Sustainability
standards—rules that supply chain actors may follow to demonstrate their commitment to …
standards—rules that supply chain actors may follow to demonstrate their commitment to …
The importance of consumer trust for the emergence of a market for green products: The case of organic food
Consumer trust is a key prerequisite for establishing a market for credence goods, such as
“green” products, especially when they are premium priced. This article reports research on …
“green” products, especially when they are premium priced. This article reports research on …
How doctors gain social and economic returns in online health-care communities: a professional capital perspective
An online health-care community (OHC) is a novel channel through which doctors share
medical or health-care knowledge with patients. While the sustainable development of an …
medical or health-care knowledge with patients. While the sustainable development of an …
[КНИГА][B] Designing public policies: Principles and instruments
M Howlett - 2023 - taylorfrancis.com
The third edition of this highly regarded book provides a concise and accessible introduction
to the principles and elements of policy design in contemporary governance. It examines in …
to the principles and elements of policy design in contemporary governance. It examines in …
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) in fashion supply chains: A multi-methodological study
This paper examines CSR in fashion supply chains by applying a multi-methodological
approach. We first investigate the CSR performance and consumer expectation towards …
approach. We first investigate the CSR performance and consumer expectation towards …
Product labelling in the market for organic food: Consumer preferences and willingness-to-pay for different organic certification logos
Product labelling with organic certification logos is a tool for signalling consumers that a
product is a certified organic product. In many European countries, several different organic …
product is a certified organic product. In many European countries, several different organic …
Organic food consumption in Taiwan: Motives, involvement, and purchase intention under the moderating role of uncertainty
CC Teng, CH Lu - Appetite, 2016 - Elsevier
Despite the progressive development of the organic food sector in Taiwan, little is known
about how consumers' consumption motives will influence organic food decision through …
about how consumers' consumption motives will influence organic food decision through …
[КНИГА][B] After greenwashing: Symbolic corporate environmentalism and society
F Bowen - 2014 - books.google.com
Businesses promote their environmental awareness through green buildings, eco-labels,
sustainability reports, industry pledges and clean technologies. When are these symbols …
sustainability reports, industry pledges and clean technologies. When are these symbols …
Why eco‐labels can be effective marketing tools: Evidence from a study on Italian consumers
F Testa, F Iraldo, A Vaccari… - Business Strategy and the …, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
An emerging topic in environmental management studies is the role of eco‐labels in guiding
consumers in their purchasing choices. In order to contribute to the current debate on this …
consumers in their purchasing choices. In order to contribute to the current debate on this …