Plants as river system engineers
A Gurnell - Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
Plants growing within river corridors both affect and respond to fluvial processes. Their
above‐ground biomass modifies the flow field and retains sediment, whereas their below …
above‐ground biomass modifies the flow field and retains sediment, whereas their below …
Connectivity and biocomplexity in waterbodies of riverine floodplains
C Amoros, G Bornette - Freshwater biology, 2002 - Wiley Online Library
1. In river corridors, water plays a key role in connecting various landscape patches.
Thishydrological connectivity'operates on the four dimensions of fluvial hydrosystems …
Thishydrological connectivity'operates on the four dimensions of fluvial hydrosystems …
Recent advances quantifying the large wood dynamics in river basins: New methods and remaining challenges
Large wood is an important physical component of woodland rivers and significantly
influences river morphology. It is also a key component of stream ecosystems. However …
influences river morphology. It is also a key component of stream ecosystems. However …
Morphological response to river engineering and management in alluvial channels in Italy
In response to various types of human disturbance, most Italian rivers have experienced
considerable channel adjustment during the last centuries and in particular in the last …
considerable channel adjustment during the last centuries and in particular in the last …
From the myth of a lost paradise to targeted river restoration: forget natural references and focus on human benefits
In the last two decades river restoration has become increasingly a field of research asking a
series of complex questions related not just to science but also to society. Why should we …
series of complex questions related not just to science but also to society. Why should we …
Basic principles and ecological consequences of changing water regimes: riparian plant communities
C Nilsson, M Svedmark - Environmental management, 2002 - Springer
Recent research has emphasized the importance of riparian ecosystems as centers of
biodiversity and links between terrestrial and aquatic systems. Riparian ecosystems also …
biodiversity and links between terrestrial and aquatic systems. Riparian ecosystems also …
A stream evolution model integrating habitat and ecosystem benefits
ABSTRACT For decades, Channel Evolution Models have provided useful templates for
understanding morphological responses to disturbance associated with lowering base level …
understanding morphological responses to disturbance associated with lowering base level …
River channel and bar patterns explained and predicted by an empirical and a physics‐based method
Our objective is to understand general causes of different river channel patterns. In this
paper we compare an empirical stream power‐based classification and a physics‐based …
paper we compare an empirical stream power‐based classification and a physics‐based …
A review of techniques available for delimiting the erodible river corridor: a sustainable approach to managing bank erosion
Traditional policies for managing river bank erosion are currently being reconsidered as a
result of increased awareness regarding the unsustainable nature of some forms of bank …
result of increased awareness regarding the unsustainable nature of some forms of bank …
Recent channel adjustments in alluvial rivers of Tuscany, Central Italy
M Rinaldi - Earth Surface Processes and Landforms: The …, 2003 - Wiley Online Library
Drastic channel adjustments have affected the main alluvial rivers of Tuscany (central Italy)
during the 20th century. Bed‐level adjustments were identified both by comparing available …
during the 20th century. Bed‐level adjustments were identified both by comparing available …