Consonance and dissonance perception. A critical review of the historical sources, multidisciplinary findings, and main hypotheses

N Di Stefano, P Vuust, E Brattico - Physics of Life Reviews, 2022 - Elsevier
Revealed more than two millennia ago by Pythagoras, consonance and dissonance (C/D)
are foundational concepts in music theory, perception, and aesthetics. The search for the …

Music and early language acquisition

A Brandt, M Gebrian, LR Slevc - Frontiers in psychology, 2012 -
Language is typically viewed as fundamental to human intelligence. Music, while
recognized as a human universal, is often treated as an ancillary ability–one dependent on …

Music as a coevolved system for social bonding

PE Savage, P Loui, B Tarr, A Schachner… - Behavioral and Brain …, 2021 -
Why do humans make music? Theories of the evolution of musicality have focused mainly
on the value of music for specific adaptive contexts such as mate selection, parental care …

[KNJIGA][B] Cognitive development.

JH Flavell - 1977 -
Discusses general conceptual growth, with special emphasis on the contributions of Piaget.
Other areas discussed—including social cognition, perception, and memory—are based …

[KNJIGA][B] Music, language, and the brain

AD Patel - 2010 -
In the first comprehensive study of the relationship between music and language from the
standpoint of cognitive neuroscience, Aniruddh D. Patel challenges the widespread belief …

[KNJIGA][B] Children's thinking

RS Siegler - 1991 -
Anyone sufficiently motivated to take an undergraduate or graduate course in this area
should find [in this book] a great deal to intrigue the imagination and stimulate further interest …

The developmental origins of musicality

SE Trehub - Nature neuroscience, 2003 -
The study of musical abilities and activities in infancy has the potential to shed light on
musical biases or dispositions that are rooted in nature rather than nurture. The available …

[HTML][HTML] Language experience predicts music processing in a half-million speakers of fifty-four languages

J Liu, CB Hilton, E Bergelson, SA Mehr - Current Biology, 2023 -
Tonal languages differ from other languages in their use of pitch (tones) to distinguish
words. Lifelong experience speaking and hearing tonal languages has been argued to …

Metrical categories in infancy and adulthood

EE Hannon, SE Trehub - Psychological science, 2005 -
Intrinsic perceptual biases for simple duration ratios are thought to constrain the
organization of rhythmic patterns in music. We tested that hypothesis by exposing listeners …

Musical predispositions in infancy

SE Trehub - Annals of the New York academy of sciences, 2001 - Wiley Online Library
Some scholars consider music to exemplify the classic criteria for a complex human
adaptation, including universality, orderly development, and special‐purpose cortical …