Consonance and dissonance perception. A critical review of the historical sources, multidisciplinary findings, and main hypotheses
Revealed more than two millennia ago by Pythagoras, consonance and dissonance (C/D)
are foundational concepts in music theory, perception, and aesthetics. The search for the …
are foundational concepts in music theory, perception, and aesthetics. The search for the …
Music and early language acquisition
Language is typically viewed as fundamental to human intelligence. Music, while
recognized as a human universal, is often treated as an ancillary ability–one dependent on …
recognized as a human universal, is often treated as an ancillary ability–one dependent on …
Music as a coevolved system for social bonding
Why do humans make music? Theories of the evolution of musicality have focused mainly
on the value of music for specific adaptive contexts such as mate selection, parental care …
on the value of music for specific adaptive contexts such as mate selection, parental care …
[KNJIGA][B] Cognitive development.
JH Flavell - 1977 -
Discusses general conceptual growth, with special emphasis on the contributions of Piaget.
Other areas discussed—including social cognition, perception, and memory—are based …
Other areas discussed—including social cognition, perception, and memory—are based …
[KNJIGA][B] Music, language, and the brain
AD Patel - 2010 -
In the first comprehensive study of the relationship between music and language from the
standpoint of cognitive neuroscience, Aniruddh D. Patel challenges the widespread belief …
standpoint of cognitive neuroscience, Aniruddh D. Patel challenges the widespread belief …
[KNJIGA][B] Children's thinking
RS Siegler - 1991 -
Anyone sufficiently motivated to take an undergraduate or graduate course in this area
should find [in this book] a great deal to intrigue the imagination and stimulate further interest …
should find [in this book] a great deal to intrigue the imagination and stimulate further interest …
The developmental origins of musicality
SE Trehub - Nature neuroscience, 2003 -
The study of musical abilities and activities in infancy has the potential to shed light on
musical biases or dispositions that are rooted in nature rather than nurture. The available …
musical biases or dispositions that are rooted in nature rather than nurture. The available …
[HTML][HTML] Language experience predicts music processing in a half-million speakers of fifty-four languages
Tonal languages differ from other languages in their use of pitch (tones) to distinguish
words. Lifelong experience speaking and hearing tonal languages has been argued to …
words. Lifelong experience speaking and hearing tonal languages has been argued to …
Metrical categories in infancy and adulthood
Intrinsic perceptual biases for simple duration ratios are thought to constrain the
organization of rhythmic patterns in music. We tested that hypothesis by exposing listeners …
organization of rhythmic patterns in music. We tested that hypothesis by exposing listeners …
Musical predispositions in infancy
SE Trehub - Annals of the New York academy of sciences, 2001 - Wiley Online Library
Some scholars consider music to exemplify the classic criteria for a complex human
adaptation, including universality, orderly development, and special‐purpose cortical …
adaptation, including universality, orderly development, and special‐purpose cortical …