A review of nanoparticle synthesis methods, classifications, applications, and characterization
Nanoparticles, at the convergence of science and technology, have rapidly evolved and
continue to revolutionize numerous fields. Research areas that make use of contemporary …
continue to revolutionize numerous fields. Research areas that make use of contemporary …
[HTML][HTML] Visible-light activation of TiO2 photocatalysts: Advances in theory and experiments
The remarkable achievement by Fujishima and Honda (1972) in the photo-electrochemical
water splitting results in the extensive use of TiO 2 nanomaterials for environmental …
water splitting results in the extensive use of TiO 2 nanomaterials for environmental …
An overview on limitations of TiO2-based particles for photocatalytic degradation of organic pollutants and the corresponding countermeasures
H Dong, G Zeng, L Tang, C Fan, C Zhang, X He, Y He - Water research, 2015 - Elsevier
The pollutants classified as “persistent organic pollutants (POPs)”, are being subject to high
concern among the scientific community due to their persistence in the environment. TiO 2 …
concern among the scientific community due to their persistence in the environment. TiO 2 …
Understanding TiO2 Photocatalysis: Mechanisms and Materials
Environmental pollution and destruction as well as the lack of sufficient clean and natural
energy resources are some of the most serious problems presently faced on a global scale …
energy resources are some of the most serious problems presently faced on a global scale …
Nitrogen-doped titanium dioxide as visible-light-sensitive photocatalyst: designs, developments, and prospects
Titanium dioxide (TiO2) is well-known to be the most practical and prevalent photocatalyst,
1− 17 for it is chemically stable, abundant, nontoxic, and cost-effective. Photogenerated …
1− 17 for it is chemically stable, abundant, nontoxic, and cost-effective. Photogenerated …
Limitations and prospects for wastewater treatment by UV and visible-light-active heterogeneous photocatalysis: a critical review
Heterogeneous photocatalysis (HPC) has been widely investigated in recent decades for
the removal of a number of contaminants from aqueous matrices, but its application in real …
the removal of a number of contaminants from aqueous matrices, but its application in real …
Advanced nanoarchitectures for solar photocatalytic applications
1.1. Scope of the Review Since they were first described in the scientific literature,
photoinduced processes have been studied with a view to develo** several industrially …
photoinduced processes have been studied with a view to develo** several industrially …
TiO2 Nanoparticles as Functional Building Blocks
TiO2 has been commercially manufactured by the millions of tons to be widely utilized as
pigment, paint additive, and sunscreen to name a few uses, due to its photostability and light …
pigment, paint additive, and sunscreen to name a few uses, due to its photostability and light …
Titanate and titania nanostructured materials for environmental and energy applications: a review
Nanosized TiO2-based materials with unique structural and functional properties have
already led to breakthroughs in various applications including photocatalysis, adsorption …
already led to breakthroughs in various applications including photocatalysis, adsorption …
Parameters affecting the photocatalytic degradation of dyes using TiO2-based photocatalysts: a review
This paper presents the review of the effects of operating parameters on the photocatalytic
degradation of textile dyes using TiO2-based photocatalysts. It further examines various …
degradation of textile dyes using TiO2-based photocatalysts. It further examines various …