Towards a privacy impact assessment methodology to support the requirements of the general data protection regulation in a big data analytics context: A systematic …
Abstract Big Data Analytics enables today's businesses and organisations to process and
utilise the raw data that is generated on a daily basis. While Big Data Analytics has improved …
utilise the raw data that is generated on a daily basis. While Big Data Analytics has improved …
AIoT-enabled smart surveillance for personal data digitalization: Contextual personalization-privacy paradox in smart home
F Zhang, Z Pan, Y Lu - Information & Management, 2023 - Elsevier
Artificial intelligence of things technology provides smart surveillance capability for personal
data digitalization. It will invade individuals' information, physical, and social spaces and …
data digitalization. It will invade individuals' information, physical, and social spaces and …
The (in) securitization practices of the three universes of EU border control: Military/Navy–border guards/police–database analysts
D Bigo - Security dialogue, 2014 - journals.sagepub.com
What practices of (in) securitization involve the notions of border and border control in the
European Union? How do these practices operate? How are they assembled? In the …
European Union? How do these practices operate? How are they assembled? In the …
Forensic image analysis–CCTV distortion and artefacts
As a result of the worldwide deployment of surveillance cameras, authorities have gained a
powerful tool that captures footage of activities of people in public areas. Surveillance …
powerful tool that captures footage of activities of people in public areas. Surveillance …
The regulation of civilian drones' impacts on behavioural privacy
R Clarke - Computer Law & Security Review, 2014 - Elsevier
Surveillance technologies have burgeoned during the last several decades. To
surveillance's promises and threats, drones add a new dimension, both figuratively and …
surveillance's promises and threats, drones add a new dimension, both figuratively and …
Moving beyond anonymity: Embracing a collective approach to location privacy in data-intensive geospatial analytics
Y Lin - Environment and Planning F, 2024 - journals.sagepub.com
Privacy has been an important topic within the geospatial science community, particularly
driven by the widespread adoption of geospatial technologies such as mobile devices and …
driven by the widespread adoption of geospatial technologies such as mobile devices and …
Location and tracking of mobile devices: Überveillance stalks the streets
During the last decade, location-tracking and monitoring applications have proliferated, in
mobile cellular and wireless data networks, and through self-reporting by applications …
mobile cellular and wireless data networks, and through self-reporting by applications …
[KNIHA][B] Policing mobility regimes: Frontex and the production of the European borderscape
G Campesi - 2021 - taylorfrancis.com
More than 30 years after its birth, the Schengen area of free movement is under siege in
Europe: new barriers are being erected along land borders, military assets are increasingly …
Europe: new barriers are being erected along land borders, military assets are increasingly …
Constructing a surveillance impact assessment
D Wright, CD Raab - Computer Law & Security Review, 2012 - Elsevier
This paper describes surveillance impact assessment (SIA), a methodology for identifying,
assessing and resolving risks, in consultation with stakeholders, posed by the development …
assessing and resolving risks, in consultation with stakeholders, posed by the development …
[PDF][PDF] Systematic review and classification on video surveillance systems
Recently, various conferences and journals have published articles related to Video
Surveillance Systems, indicating researchers 'attention. The goal of this review is to examine …
Surveillance Systems, indicating researchers 'attention. The goal of this review is to examine …