Filling the gaps: Cognitive control as a critical lens for understanding mechanisms of value-based decision-making
While often seeming to investigate rather different problems, research into value-based
decision making and cognitive control have historically offered parallel insights into how …
decision making and cognitive control have historically offered parallel insights into how …
Suboptimality in perceptual decision making
Human perceptual decisions are often described as optimal. Critics of this view have argued
that claims of optimality are overly flexible and lack explanatory power. Meanwhile …
that claims of optimality are overly flexible and lack explanatory power. Meanwhile …
Scale (in) variance in a unified diffusion model of decision making and timing.
Weber's law is the canonical scale-invariance law in psychology: when the intensities of 2
stimuli are scaled by any value k, the just-noticeable-difference between them also scales by …
stimuli are scaled by any value k, the just-noticeable-difference between them also scales by …
Global gain modulation generates time-dependent urgency during perceptual choice in humans
Decision-makers must often balance the desire to accumulate information with the costs of
protracted deliberation. Optimal, reward-maximizing decision-making can require dynamic …
protracted deliberation. Optimal, reward-maximizing decision-making can require dynamic …
Decisions are expedited through multiple neural adjustments spanning the sensorimotor hierarchy
When decisions are made under speed pressure,“urgency” signals elevate neural activity
toward action-triggering thresholds independent of the sensory evidence, thus incurring a …
toward action-triggering thresholds independent of the sensory evidence, thus incurring a …
Comparing fixed and collapsing boundary versions of the diffusion model
Optimality studies and studies of decision-making in monkeys have been used to support a
model in which the decision boundaries used to evaluate evidence collapse over time. This …
model in which the decision boundaries used to evaluate evidence collapse over time. This …
Caution in decision-making under time pressure is mediated by timing ability
The time available to inform decisions is often limited, for example because of a response
deadline. In such circumstances, accurate knowledge of the amount of time available for a …
deadline. In such circumstances, accurate knowledge of the amount of time available for a …
Not all speed-accuracy trade-off manipulations have the same psychological effect
In many domains of psychological research, decisions are subject to a speed-accuracy trade-
off: faster responses are more often incorrect. This trade-off makes it difficult to focus on one …
off: faster responses are more often incorrect. This trade-off makes it difficult to focus on one …
A behavioral characterization of the drift diffusion model and its multialternative extension for choice under time pressure
In this paper, we provide an axiomatic foundation for the value-based version of the drift
diffusion model (DDM) of Ratcliff, a successful model that describes two-alternative speeded …
diffusion model (DDM) of Ratcliff, a successful model that describes two-alternative speeded …
Inter‐and intra‐individual coupling between pupillary, electrophysiological, and behavioral responses in a visual oddball task
Although the P3b component of the event‐related brain potential is one of the most widely
studied components, its underlying generators are not currently well understood. Recent …
studied components, its underlying generators are not currently well understood. Recent …