Bayesian networks in environmental risk assessment: A review
L Kaikkonen, T Parviainen… - Integrated …, 2020 - academic.oup.com
Human activities both depend upon and have consequences on the environment.
Environmental risk assessment (ERA) is a process of estimating the probability and …
Environmental risk assessment (ERA) is a process of estimating the probability and …
Selecting among five common modelling approaches for integrated environmental assessment and management
The design and implementation of effective environmental policies need to be informed by a
holistic understanding of the system processes (biophysical, social and economic), their …
holistic understanding of the system processes (biophysical, social and economic), their …
Good practice in Bayesian network modelling
Bayesian networks (BNs) are increasingly being used to model environmental systems, in
order to: integrate multiple issues and system components; utilise information from different …
order to: integrate multiple issues and system components; utilise information from different …
[KNIHA][B] Handbook of transdisciplinary research
GH Hadorn, H Hoffmann-Riem, S Biber-Klemm… - 2008 - Springer
In a world characterised by rapid change, uncertainty and increasing interconnectedness
there is a growing need for science to contribute to the solution of persistent, complex …
there is a growing need for science to contribute to the solution of persistent, complex …
The role of expert opinion in environmental modelling
The inevitable though frequently informal use of expert opinion in modelling, the increasing
number of models that incorporate formally expert opinion from a diverse range of …
number of models that incorporate formally expert opinion from a diverse range of …
Flood risk assessment by using an interpretative structural modeling based Bayesian network approach (ISM-BN): An urban-level analysis of Shenzhen, China
With increasingly uncertain environmental conditions under global change, it is rather
important for water security management to evaluate the flood risk, which is influenced by …
important for water security management to evaluate the flood risk, which is influenced by …
A review of Bayesian belief networks in ecosystem service modelling
A wide range of quantitative and qualitative modelling research on ecosystem services
(ESS) has recently been conducted. The available models range between elementary …
(ESS) has recently been conducted. The available models range between elementary …
[KNIHA][B] Environmental modelling: an uncertain future?
K Beven - 2018 - taylorfrancis.com
Uncertainty in the predictions of science when applied to the environment is an issue of
great current relevance in relation to the impacts of climate change, protecting against …
great current relevance in relation to the impacts of climate change, protecting against …
Population‐level consequences for wild fish exposed to sublethal concentrations of chemicals–a critical review
Concentrated chemical spills have been shown to impact adversely on fish populations and
even cause localized population extinctions. Evaluating population‐level impacts of …
even cause localized population extinctions. Evaluating population‐level impacts of …
Bayesian networks in environmental and resource management
This overview article for the special series,“Bayesian Networks in Environmental and
Resource Management,” reviews 7 case study articles with the aim to compare Bayesian …
Resource Management,” reviews 7 case study articles with the aim to compare Bayesian …