Model-driven autotuning of sparse matrix-vector multiply on GPUs
We present a performance model-driven framework for automated performance tuning
(autotuning) of sparse matrix-vector multiply (SpMV) on systems accelerated by graphics …
(autotuning) of sparse matrix-vector multiply (SpMV) on systems accelerated by graphics …
A systematic literature survey of sparse matrix-vector multiplication
Sparse matrix-vector multiplication (SpMV) is a crucial computing kernel with widespread
applications in iterative algorithms. Over the past decades, research on SpMV optimization …
applications in iterative algorithms. Over the past decades, research on SpMV optimization …
Assembly of finite element methods on graphics processors
Recently, graphics processing units (GPUs) have had great success in accelerating many
numerical computations. We present their application to computations on unstructured …
numerical computations. We present their application to computations on unstructured …
yaSpMV: Yet another SpMV framework on GPUs
SpMV is a key linear algebra algorithm and has been widely used in many important
application domains. As a result, numerous attempts have been made to optimize SpMV on …
application domains. As a result, numerous attempts have been made to optimize SpMV on …
Porting hypre to heterogeneous computer architectures: Strategies and experiences
Linear systems are occurring in many applications, and solving them can take a large
amount of the total simulation time. The high performance library hypre provides a variety of …
amount of the total simulation time. The high performance library hypre provides a variety of …
Globally homogeneous, locally adaptive sparse matrix-vector multiplication on the GPU
The rising popularity of the graphics processing unit (GPU) across various numerical
computing applications triggered a breakneck race to optimize key numerical kernels and in …
computing applications triggered a breakneck race to optimize key numerical kernels and in …
Optimization of Large-Scale Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiplication on Multi-GPU Systems
Sparse matrix-vector multiplication (SpMV) is one of the important kernels of many iterative
algorithms for solving sparse linear systems. The limited storage and computational …
algorithms for solving sparse linear systems. The limited storage and computational …
Efficient parallel implementations of sparse triangular solves for GPU architectures
The sparse triangular matrix solve (SpTrSV) is an important computation kernel that is
demanded by a variety of numerical methods such as the Gauss-Seidel iterations. However …
demanded by a variety of numerical methods such as the Gauss-Seidel iterations. However …
[КНИГА][B] Scientific computing with multicore and accelerators
The hybrid/heterogeneous nature of future microprocessors and large high-performance
computing systems will result in a reliance on two major types of components …
computing systems will result in a reliance on two major types of components …
Efficient pagerank and spmv computation on amd gpus
Google's famous PageRank algorithm is widely used to determine the importance of web
pages in search engines. Given the large number of web pages on the World Wide Web …
pages in search engines. Given the large number of web pages on the World Wide Web …