Deep learning for visual understanding: A review
Deep learning algorithms are a subset of the machine learning algorithms, which aim at
discovering multiple levels of distributed representations. Recently, numerous deep learning …
discovering multiple levels of distributed representations. Recently, numerous deep learning …
Recent development on detection methods for the diagnosis of diabetic retinopathy
Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is a complication of diabetes that exists throughout the world. DR
occurs due to a high ratio of glucose in the blood, which causes alterations in the retinal …
occurs due to a high ratio of glucose in the blood, which causes alterations in the retinal …
Predicting depth, surface normals and semantic labels with a common multi-scale convolutional architecture
In this paper we address three different computer vision tasks using a single basic
architecture: depth prediction, surface normal estimation, and semantic labeling. We use a …
architecture: depth prediction, surface normal estimation, and semantic labeling. We use a …
Saliency detection by multi-context deep learning
Low-level saliency cues or priors do not produce good enough saliency detection results
especially when the salient object presents in a low-contrast background with confusing …
especially when the salient object presents in a low-contrast background with confusing …
Devnet: A deep event network for multimedia event detection and evidence recounting
In this paper, we focus on complex event detection in internet videos while also providing
the key evidences of the detection results. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have …
the key evidences of the detection results. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have …
Bit-scalable deep hashing with regularized similarity learning for image retrieval and person re-identification
Extracting informative image features and learning effective approximate hashing functions
are two crucial steps in image retrieval. Conventional methods often study these two steps …
are two crucial steps in image retrieval. Conventional methods often study these two steps …
Designing deep networks for surface normal estimation
In the past few years, convolutional neural nets (CNN) have shown incredible promise for
learning visual representations. In this paper, we use CNNs for the task of predicting surface …
learning visual representations. In this paper, we use CNNs for the task of predicting surface …
A taxonomy of deep convolutional neural nets for computer vision
Traditional architectures for solving computer vision problems and the degree of success
they enjoyed have been heavily reliant on hand-crafted features. However, of late, deep …
they enjoyed have been heavily reliant on hand-crafted features. However, of late, deep …
Nonlinear regression via deep negative correlation learning
Nonlinear regression has been extensively employed in many computer vision problems
(eg, crowd counting, age estimation, affective computing). Under the umbrella of deep …
(eg, crowd counting, age estimation, affective computing). Under the umbrella of deep …
Robust optimization for deep regression
Abstract Convolutional Neural Networks (ConvNets) have successfully contributed to
improve the accuracy of regression-based methods for computer vision tasks such as …
improve the accuracy of regression-based methods for computer vision tasks such as …