The mediodorsal thalamus in executive control
Executive control, the ability to organize thoughts and action plans in real time, is a defining
feature of higher cognition. Classical theories have emphasized cortical contributions to this …
feature of higher cognition. Classical theories have emphasized cortical contributions to this …
Temporal coding of visual space
Establishing a representation of space is a major goal of sensory systems. Spatial
information, however, is not always explicit in the incoming sensory signals. In most …
information, however, is not always explicit in the incoming sensory signals. In most …
Enhanced neural processing by covert attention only during microsaccades directed toward the attended stimulus
Attention can be" covertly" directed without eye movements; yet, even during fixation, there
are continuous microsaccades (MSs). In areas V4 and IT of macaques, we found that firing …
are continuous microsaccades (MSs). In areas V4 and IT of macaques, we found that firing …
Transcranial magnetic stimulation to frontal but not occipital cortex disrupts endogenous attention
Covert endogenous (voluntary) attention improves visual performance. Human
neuroimaging studies suggest that the putative human homolog of macaque frontal eye …
neuroimaging studies suggest that the putative human homolog of macaque frontal eye …
Different computations underlie overt presaccadic and covert spatial attention
Perception and action are tightly coupled: visual responses at the saccade target are
enhanced right before saccade onset. This phenomenon, presaccadic attention, is a form of …
enhanced right before saccade onset. This phenomenon, presaccadic attention, is a form of …
Visual selective attention in mice
Visual selective attention is a fundamental cognitive ability that allows us to process relevant
visual stimuli while ignoring irrelevant distracters and has been extensively studied in …
visual stimuli while ignoring irrelevant distracters and has been extensively studied in …
How visual spatial attention alters perception
M Carrasco - Cognitive processing, 2018 - Springer
Visual attention is essential for visual perception. Spatial attention allows us to grant priority
in processing and selectively process information at a given location. In this paper, I explain …
in processing and selectively process information at a given location. In this paper, I explain …
Microsaccades as a marker not a cause for attention-related modulation
Recent evidence suggests that microsaccades are causally linked to the attention-related
modulation of neurons—specifically, that microsaccades toward the attended location are …
modulation of neurons—specifically, that microsaccades toward the attended location are …
Differential impact of endogenous and exogenous attention on activity in human visual cortex
How do endogenous (voluntary) and exogenous (involuntary) attention modulate activity in
visual cortex? Using ROI-based fMRI analysis, we measured fMRI activity for valid and …
visual cortex? Using ROI-based fMRI analysis, we measured fMRI activity for valid and …
Sub-cone visual resolution by active, adaptive sampling in the human foveola
The foveated architecture of the human retina and the eye's mobility enables prime spatial
vision, yet the interplay between photoreceptor cell topography and the constant motion of …
vision, yet the interplay between photoreceptor cell topography and the constant motion of …