[ספר][B] The toxic meritocracy of video games: Why gaming culture is the worst

CA Paul - 2018‏ - books.google.com
An avid gamer and sharp media critic explains meritocracy's negative contribution to video
game culture—and what can be done about it Video games have brought entertainment …

[ספר][B] Feminism, labour and digital media: The digital housewife

K Jarrett - 2015‏ - taylorfrancis.com
There is a contradiction at the heart of digital media. We use commercial platforms to
express our identity, to build community and to engage politically. At the same time, our …

The tension between professional control and open participation: Journalism and its boundaries

SC Lewis - Information, communication & society, 2012‏ - Taylor & Francis
Amid growing difficulties for professionals generally, media workers in particular are
negotiating the increasingly contested boundary space between producers and users in the …

User-generated online content 1: Overview, current state and context

PJ McKenzie, J Burkell, L Wong, C Whippey… - First Monday, 2012‏ - firstmonday.org
This paper reviews a wide range of scholarly and popular literature to provide an overview
of the current state of online user–generated content (UGC). We describe the UGC value …

[ספר][B] The Routledge companion to digital ethnography

L Hjorth, HA Horst, A Galloway, G Bell - 2017‏ - api.taylorfrancis.com
As the digital becomes increasingly entwined within everyday life, ethnography's value as a
key methodological and analytical approach to understand the ways in which digital media …

Creative industries from an evolutionary perspective: A critical literature review

SH Berg, R Hassink - Geography Compass, 2014‏ - Wiley Online Library
Although creative industries have been popular as a research topic among social scientists
from various backgrounds, most studies lack an explicit evolutionary, history‐informed …

[ספר][B] A precarious game: The illusion of dream jobs in the video game industry

E Bulut - 2020‏ - muse.jhu.edu
summary A Precarious Game is an ethnographic examination of video game production.
The developers that Ergin Bulut researched for almost three years in a medium-sized studio …

The relevance of “women's work” social reproduction and immaterial labor in digital media

K Jarrett - Television & new media, 2014‏ - journals.sagepub.com
In the ongoing debates about the role of immaterial labor in digital media economics, the
work of feminist researchers into affective labor performed in the home—“women's work” …

[ספר][B] Hidden innovation: Policy, industry and the creative sector

S Cunningham - 2013‏ - books.google.com
Because of the divergence in world views and methods between scientists and the creative
sector, innovation systems and policies have focused for decades on science, engineering …

Gaming innovation ecosystem: actors, roles and co-innovation processes

P Klimas, W Czakon - Review of Managerial Science, 2022‏ - Springer
Burgeoning research on innovation ecosystems offers a variety of conceptual approaches.
Recent systematic literature reviews and syntheses provide a rich, diverse, but somehow …