Greedy combinatorial test case generation using unsatisfiable cores
Combinatorial testing aims at covering the interactions of parameters in a system under test,
while some combinations may be forbidden by given constraints (forbidden tuples). In this …
while some combinations may be forbidden by given constraints (forbidden tuples). In this …
Tapir: Embedding recursive fork-join parallelism into llvm's intermediate representation
Tapir (pronounced TAY-per) is a compiler intermediate representation (IR) that embeds
recursive fork-join parallelism, as supported by task-parallel programming platforms such as …
recursive fork-join parallelism, as supported by task-parallel programming platforms such as …
Brief announcement: Open cilk
Open Cilk is a new open-source platform to support Cilk multithreaded programming,
especially for researchers and teachers. Open Cilk aims to provide a full-featured …
especially for researchers and teachers. Open Cilk aims to provide a full-featured …
μsteal: A theory-backed framework for preemptive work and resource stealing in mixed-criticality microservices
Modern internet services are moving towards distributed microservice architectures, wherein
a complex application is decomposed into numerous discrete microservices to improve …
a complex application is decomposed into numerous discrete microservices to improve …
Asymmetry-aware work-stealing runtimes
Amdahl's law provides architects a compelling reason to introduce system asymmetry to
optimize for both serial and parallel regions of execution. Asymmetry in a multicore …
optimize for both serial and parallel regions of execution. Asymmetry in a multicore …
Executing dynamic data-graph computations deterministically using chromatic scheduling
A data-graph computation—popularized by such programming systems as Galois, Pregel,
GraphLab, PowerGraph, and GraphChi—is an algorithm that performs local updates on the …
GraphLab, PowerGraph, and GraphChi—is an algorithm that performs local updates on the …
Performance engineering of multicore software: Develo** a science of fast code for the post-Moore era
TB Schardl - 2016 -
The end of Moore's Law, which experts predict to occur in as few as 5 years, means that
even average programmers will need to be able to write fast code. Software performance …
even average programmers will need to be able to write fast code. Software performance …
Efficiently detecting races in cilk programs that use reducer hyperobjects
A multithreaded Cilk program that is ostensibly deterministic may nevertheless behave
nondeterministically due to programming errors in the code. For a Cilk program that uses …
nondeterministically due to programming errors in the code. For a Cilk program that uses …
Using intra-core loop-task accelerators to improve the productivity and performance of task-based parallel programs
Task-based parallel programming frameworks offer compelling productivity and
performance benefits for modern chip multi-processors (CMPs). At the same time, CMPs …
performance benefits for modern chip multi-processors (CMPs). At the same time, CMPs …
Wait-free hyperobjects for task-parallel programming systems
Hyperobjects are efficient mechanisms to coordinate accesses to shared variables and data-
structures in task-parallel programming models, where each thread can operate on its own …
structures in task-parallel programming models, where each thread can operate on its own …