Brain temperature and its fundamental properties: a review for clinical neuroscientists
Brain temperature, as an independent therapeutic target variable, has received increasingly
intense clinical attention. To date, brain hypothermia represents the most potent …
intense clinical attention. To date, brain hypothermia represents the most potent …
Hydrogen sulfide: a neuromodulator and neuroprotectant in the central nervous system
Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) used to be known as a toxic gas. However, in the last two decades,
accumulating evidence has revealed its role as a bioactive molecule in the biological …
accumulating evidence has revealed its role as a bioactive molecule in the biological …
Sulfide catabolism ameliorates hypoxic brain injury
The mammalian brain is highly vulnerable to oxygen deprivation, yet the mechanism
underlying the brain's sensitivity to hypoxia is incompletely understood. Hypoxia induces …
underlying the brain's sensitivity to hypoxia is incompletely understood. Hypoxia induces …
Role of hydrogen sulfide in ischemia‐reperfusion injury
Ischemia‐reperfusion (I/R) injury is one of the major causes of high morbidity, disability, and
mortality in the world. I/R injury remains a complicated and unresolved situation in clinical …
mortality in the world. I/R injury remains a complicated and unresolved situation in clinical …
Regulation of vascular tone homeostasis by NO and H2S: Implications in hypertension
Nitric oxide (NO) and hydrogen sulfide (H 2 S) are two gasotransmitters that are produced in
the vasculature and contribute to the regulation of vascular tone. NO and H 2 S are …
the vasculature and contribute to the regulation of vascular tone. NO and H 2 S are …
Memory deficits and hippocampal inflammation in cerebral hypoperfusion and reperfusion in male rats: Neuroprotective role of vanillic acid
Ischemic stroke is one of the leading causes of neurological deterioration and mortality
worldwide. Neuroprotective strategies are being investigated to minimize cognitive deficits …
worldwide. Neuroprotective strategies are being investigated to minimize cognitive deficits …
[PDF][PDF] The role of hydrogen sulfide in pathologies of the vital organs and its clinical application
Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is one of the more recently recognised gaseous transmitters that
have been shown to be involved in a large range of cellular functions. While H2S generally …
have been shown to be involved in a large range of cellular functions. While H2S generally …
Physiological importance of hydrogen sulfide: emerging potent neuroprotector and neuromodulator
Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is an emerging neuromodulator that is considered to be a
gasotransmitter similar to nitrogen oxide (NO) and carbon monoxide (CO). H2S exerts …
gasotransmitter similar to nitrogen oxide (NO) and carbon monoxide (CO). H2S exerts …
[HTML][HTML] Hydrogen sulfide and its donors for the treatment of cerebral ischaemia-reperfusion injury: A comprehensive review
As an endogenous gas signalling molecule, hydrogen sulfide (H 2 S) is frequently present in
a variety of mammals and plays a significant role in the cardiovascular and nervous systems …
a variety of mammals and plays a significant role in the cardiovascular and nervous systems …
Hydrogen sulfide in physiological and pathological mechanisms in brain
Background & Objective: Hydrogen sulfide [H2S] has been widely known as a toxic gas for
more than 300 years in the scientific community. However, the understanding about this …
more than 300 years in the scientific community. However, the understanding about this …