Metaheuristic algorithms for PID controller parameters tuning: Review, approaches and open problems
The simplicity, transparency, reliability, high efficiency and robust nature of PID controllers
are some of the reasons for their high popularity and acceptance for control in process …
are some of the reasons for their high popularity and acceptance for control in process …
A review on representative swarm intelligence algorithms for solving optimization problems: Applications and trends
J Tang, G Liu, Q Pan - IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica, 2021 -
Swarm intelligence algorithms are a subset of the artificial intelligence (AI) field, which is
increasing popularity in resolving different optimization problems and has been widely …
increasing popularity in resolving different optimization problems and has been widely …
Parrot optimizer: Algorithm and applications to medical problems
Stochastic optimization methods have gained significant prominence as effective techniques
in contemporary research, addressing complex optimization challenges efficiently. This …
in contemporary research, addressing complex optimization challenges efficiently. This …
A sinh cosh optimizer
Currently, meta-heuristic algorithms have been widely studied and applied, but balancing
exploration and exploitation remains a challenge. In this study, a novel meta-heuristic …
exploration and exploitation remains a challenge. In this study, a novel meta-heuristic …
Spider wasp optimizer: A novel meta-heuristic optimization algorithm
This work presents a new nature-inspired meta-heuristic algorithm named spider wasp
optimization (SWO) algorithm, which is based on replicating the hunting, nesting, and mating …
optimization (SWO) algorithm, which is based on replicating the hunting, nesting, and mating …
Beluga whale optimization: A novel nature-inspired metaheuristic algorithm
In this paper, a novel swarm-based metaheuristic algorithm inspired from the behaviors of
beluga whales, called beluga whale optimization (BWO), is presented to solve optimization …
beluga whales, called beluga whale optimization (BWO), is presented to solve optimization …
Snake Optimizer: A novel meta-heuristic optimization algorithm
In recent years, several metaheuristic algorithms have been introduced in engineering and
scientific fields to address real-life optimization problems. In this study, a novel nature …
scientific fields to address real-life optimization problems. In this study, a novel nature …
Fick's Law Algorithm: A physical law-based algorithm for numerical optimization
Recently, many metaheuristic optimization algorithms have been developed to address real-
world issues. In this study, a new physics-based metaheuristic called Fick's law optimization …
world issues. In this study, a new physics-based metaheuristic called Fick's law optimization …
Energy valley optimizer: a novel metaheuristic algorithm for global and engineering optimization
Abstract In this paper, Energy Valley Optimizer (EVO) is proposed as a novel metaheuristic
algorithm inspired by advanced physics principles regarding stability and different modes of …
algorithm inspired by advanced physics principles regarding stability and different modes of …
Artificial hummingbird algorithm: A new bio-inspired optimizer with its engineering applications
A new bio-inspired optimization algorithm called artificial hummingbird algorithm (AHA) is
proposed in this work to solve optimization problems. The AHA algorithm simulates the …
proposed in this work to solve optimization problems. The AHA algorithm simulates the …