A Complete Framework for Offline and Counterfactual Evaluations of Interactive Recommendation Systems
Interactive recommendation has been recognized as a Multi-Armed Bandit (MAB) problem.
Items are arms to be pulled (ie, recommended) and the user's satisfaction is the reward to be …
Items are arms to be pulled (ie, recommended) and the user's satisfaction is the reward to be …
Integrando Avaliações Textuais de Usuários em Recomendação baseada em Aprendizado por Reforço
Resumo In Multi-Armed-Bandit (MAB) approaches for Recommendation Systems, items are
represented as arms to be recommended and the goal is to maximize the expected user's …
represented as arms to be recommended and the goal is to maximize the expected user's …
iRec: Um framework para modelos interativos em Sistemas de Recomendação
Nowadays, most e-commerce and entertainment services have adopted interactive
Recommender Systems (RS) to guide the entire journey of users into the system. This task …
Recommender Systems (RS) to guide the entire journey of users into the system. This task …