Global operator bounds on electromagnetic scattering: Upper bounds on far-field cross sections

S Molesky, P Chao, W **, AW Rodriguez - Physical Review Research, 2020 - APS
We present a method based on the scattering T operator, and conservation of net real and
reactive power, to provide physical bounds on any electromagnetic design objective that can …

Topological inverse design of nanophotonic devices with energy constraint

G Zhang, DX Xu, Y Grinberg, O Liboiron-Ladouceur - Optics Express, 2021 -
In this paper, we introduce an energy constraint to improve topology-based inverse design.
Current methods typically place the constraints solely on the device geometry and require …

Efficient topology-optimized couplers for on-chip single-photon sources

O Yesilyurt, ZA Kudyshev, A Boltasseva… - ACS …, 2021 - ACS Publications
Room-temperature single-photon sources (SPSs) are critical for emerging practical quantum
applications such as on-chip photonic circuity for quantum communications systems and …

Multi-material design optimization of optical properties of particulate products by discrete dipole approximation and sequential global programming

N Nees, L Pflug, B Mann, M Stingl - Structural and Multidisciplinary …, 2023 - Springer
The optimal design of nanoparticles with respect to their optical properties is one of the main
foci within nanoparticle technology. In this contribution, we suggest a new design …

Experimental demonstration of robust nanophotonic devices optimized by topological inverse design with energy constraint

G Zhang, DX Xu, Y Grinberg… - Photonics …, 2022 -
In this paper, we present the experimental results for integrated photonic devices optimized
with an energy-constrained inverse design method. When this constraint is applied …

Automatic differentiation accelerated shape optimization approaches to photonic inverse design on rectilinear simulation grids

S Hooten, P Sun, L Gantz, M Fiorentino… - arxiv preprint arxiv …, 2023 -
Shape optimization approaches to inverse design offer low-dimensional, physically-guided
parameterizations of structures by representing them as combinations of shape primitives …

CMOS-compatible ultra-compact silicon multimode waveguide bend based on inverse design method

S Yang, H Jia, J Niu, X Fu, L Yang - Optics Communications, 2022 - Elsevier
Waveguide bend is one of the indispensable fundamental devices in building various
integrated optical circuits. It is commonly used so that its footprints would affect the …

Optimization of the electromagnetic scattering problem based on the topological derivative method

JL Pita Ruiz, AAS Amad, LH Gabrielli, AA Novotny - Optics express, 2019 -
A new optimization method based on the topological derivative concept is developed for the
electromagnetic design problem. Essentially, the purpose of the topological derivative …

Gradient-probability-driven discrete search algorithm for on-chip photonics inverse design

S Yang, H Jia, L Zhang, J Dai, X Fu, T Zhou… - Optics …, 2021 -
The inverse-designed photonic device, with the characteristics of high performance and ultra-
high compactness, is suitable for on-chip photonics applications. The gradient-based …

Efficient pixel-by-pixel optimization of photonic devices utilizing the Dyson's equation in a Green's function formalism: Part I. Implementation with the method of discrete …

S Boutami, S Fan - Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 2019 -
Here, we introduce an efficient method to perform pixel-by-pixel optimization of photonic
devices, based on the Dyson equation in the Green's function formalism. Unlike continuous …