Global operator bounds on electromagnetic scattering: Upper bounds on far-field cross sections
We present a method based on the scattering T operator, and conservation of net real and
reactive power, to provide physical bounds on any electromagnetic design objective that can …
reactive power, to provide physical bounds on any electromagnetic design objective that can …
Topological inverse design of nanophotonic devices with energy constraint
In this paper, we introduce an energy constraint to improve topology-based inverse design.
Current methods typically place the constraints solely on the device geometry and require …
Current methods typically place the constraints solely on the device geometry and require …
Efficient topology-optimized couplers for on-chip single-photon sources
Room-temperature single-photon sources (SPSs) are critical for emerging practical quantum
applications such as on-chip photonic circuity for quantum communications systems and …
applications such as on-chip photonic circuity for quantum communications systems and …
Multi-material design optimization of optical properties of particulate products by discrete dipole approximation and sequential global programming
The optimal design of nanoparticles with respect to their optical properties is one of the main
foci within nanoparticle technology. In this contribution, we suggest a new design …
foci within nanoparticle technology. In this contribution, we suggest a new design …
Experimental demonstration of robust nanophotonic devices optimized by topological inverse design with energy constraint
In this paper, we present the experimental results for integrated photonic devices optimized
with an energy-constrained inverse design method. When this constraint is applied …
with an energy-constrained inverse design method. When this constraint is applied …
Automatic differentiation accelerated shape optimization approaches to photonic inverse design on rectilinear simulation grids
Shape optimization approaches to inverse design offer low-dimensional, physically-guided
parameterizations of structures by representing them as combinations of shape primitives …
parameterizations of structures by representing them as combinations of shape primitives …
CMOS-compatible ultra-compact silicon multimode waveguide bend based on inverse design method
Waveguide bend is one of the indispensable fundamental devices in building various
integrated optical circuits. It is commonly used so that its footprints would affect the …
integrated optical circuits. It is commonly used so that its footprints would affect the …
Optimization of the electromagnetic scattering problem based on the topological derivative method
A new optimization method based on the topological derivative concept is developed for the
electromagnetic design problem. Essentially, the purpose of the topological derivative …
electromagnetic design problem. Essentially, the purpose of the topological derivative …
Gradient-probability-driven discrete search algorithm for on-chip photonics inverse design
The inverse-designed photonic device, with the characteristics of high performance and ultra-
high compactness, is suitable for on-chip photonics applications. The gradient-based …
high compactness, is suitable for on-chip photonics applications. The gradient-based …
Efficient pixel-by-pixel optimization of photonic devices utilizing the Dyson's equation in a Green's function formalism: Part I. Implementation with the method of discrete …
S Boutami, S Fan - Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 2019 - opg.optica.org
Here, we introduce an efficient method to perform pixel-by-pixel optimization of photonic
devices, based on the Dyson equation in the Green's function formalism. Unlike continuous …
devices, based on the Dyson equation in the Green's function formalism. Unlike continuous …