Diluted magnetic semiconductors

J Kossut, W Dobrowolski - Handbook of Magnetic Materials, 1993 - Elsevier
Publisher Summary This chapter discusses the diluted magnetic semiconductors (DMS).
New aspects of DMS physics are reviewed and an update of various numerical data that are …

[KNJIGA][B] Experimental techniques in condensed matter physics at low temperatures

RC Richardson, EN Smith - 2018 - books.google.com
Page 1 EXPERIMENTAL Group CRC CRC Taylor & Francis Press TECHNIQUES IN

Integrated thin-film dc SQUID sensors

M Ketchen - IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 1987 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This paper reviews the design of integrated thin-film dc SQUID sensors fabricated in planar
technology. Included are both high performance devices with fully integrated input coils and …

Low‐noise modular microsusceptometer using nearly quantum limited dc SQUIDs

DD Awschalom, JR Rozen, MB Ketchen… - Applied physics …, 1988 - pubs.aip.org
A flexible combination of superconducting integrated circuits was used to construct a low‐
temperature magneto‐optic microsusceptometer utilizing a dc superconducting quantum …

Low-temperature magnetic spectroscopy of a dilute magnetic semiconductor

DD Awschalom, J Warnock, S Von Molnar - Physical review letters, 1987 - APS
A newly developed integrated SQUID magnetic spectrometer yields direct high-resolution
measurements of the optically induced magnetization in a 10 μm-diam sample of Cd 0.8 Mn …

Photoinduced magnetization in dilute magnetic (semimagnetic) semiconductors

H Krenn, K Kaltenegger, T Dietl, J Spałek, G Bauer - Physical Review B, 1989 - APS
Optically induced magnetization was studied in narrow-gap Hg 1− x Mn x Te in zero external
magnetic field as a function of composition, excitation energy, and temperature. These …

Direct deposition of magnetic dots using a scanning tunneling microscope

MA McCord, DD Awschalom - Applied physics letters, 1990 - pubs.aip.org
A scanning tunneling microscope has been used to directly deposit nanometer‐scale
structures into the input coil of a planar dc superconducting quantum interference device …

Dimensional-crossover studies of magnetic susceptibility in diluted-magnetic-semiconductor superlattices

DD Awschalom, JM Hong, LL Chang, G Grinstein - Physical review letters, 1987 - APS
A planar dc SQUID with integrated pickup loops and field coils has allowed precise ac
magnetic susceptibility measurements of Cd 1− x Mn x Te-CdTe superlattices as a function …

Diluted magnetic semiconductor superlattices for magnetic studies of dimensional crossover

JM Hong, DD Awschalom, LL Chang… - Journal of Applied …, 1988 - pubs.aip.org
Diluted magnetic semiconductor Cd1− x Mn x Te‐CdTe superlattices with x= 0.069, 0.13,
0.15, and 0.20 and various layer thicknesses were grown by molecular‐beam epitaxy for …

Integrated magnetic spectroscopy of dilute magnetic semiconductors

DD Awschalom, J Warnock, JR Rozen… - Journal of Applied …, 1987 - pubs.aip.org
An integrated dc SQUID magnetic spectrometer has been developed to obtain direct high‐
resolution measurements of optically induced magnetization in a 10‐μm‐diam sample of …