The study of followers in leadership research: A systematic and critical review
Despite the significant amount of existing research examining the relationship of follower-
related factors with leadership outcomes, there is no systematic, critical review that …
related factors with leadership outcomes, there is no systematic, critical review that …
Leadership behaviour and leader self-reported well-being: A review, integration and meta-analytic examination
While the link between leadership and follower well-being is well established, less is known
about the relation between leaders' leadership behaviour and their own well-being …
about the relation between leaders' leadership behaviour and their own well-being …
Engaging leadership and nurse well-being: the role of the work environment and work motivation—a cross-sectional study
Background Healthcare literature suggests that leadership behavior has a profound impact
on nurse work-related well-being. Yet, more research is needed to better conceptualize …
on nurse work-related well-being. Yet, more research is needed to better conceptualize …
Leadership, followers' mental health and job performance in organizations: A comprehensive meta‐analysis from an occupational health perspective
D Montano, A Reeske, F Franke… - Journal of …, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
The present meta‐analysis investigates the associations between leadership, followers'
mental health, and job performance by taking into account different groups of leadership …
mental health, and job performance by taking into account different groups of leadership …
The path is the goal: How transformational leaders enhance followers' job attitudes and proactive behavior
While leading through goals is usually associated with a task-oriented leadership style, the
present work links goal setting to transformational leadership. An online survey with two time …
present work links goal setting to transformational leadership. An online survey with two time …
Turning their pain to gain: Charismatic leader influence on follower stress appraisal and job performance
We develop and test a theoretical model that explores how individuals appraise different
types of stressful job demands and how these cognitive appraisals impact job performance …
types of stressful job demands and how these cognitive appraisals impact job performance …
Inclusive leadership and employee well-being: The mediating role of person-job fit
SB Choi, TBH Tran, SW Kang - Journal of Happiness Studies, 2017 - Springer
This study explored the effects of inclusive leadership on employee well-being and
innovative behavior. We also investigated the mediating role of person-job fit in these …
innovative behavior. We also investigated the mediating role of person-job fit in these …
A meta-analysis of shared leadership: Antecedents, consequences, and moderators
Many organizations are encouraging a shared leadership approach that meets the
increased complexity of today's working environment. It is therefore imperative for …
increased complexity of today's working environment. It is therefore imperative for …
Transformational leadership and burnout: The role of thriving and followers' openness to experience.
Grounding our research in conservation of resources theory, we set out to shed light on the
relationship between transformational leadership (TFL) and employee burnout. Specifically …
relationship between transformational leadership (TFL) and employee burnout. Specifically …
Dynamics of well-being
S Sonnentag - Annu. Rev. Organ. Psychol. Organ. Behav., 2015 -
Well-being refers to a person's hedonic experience of feeling good and to the eudaimonic
experience of fulfillment and purpose. Employee well-being is influenced by experiences at …
experience of fulfillment and purpose. Employee well-being is influenced by experiences at …