Global analysis of depletion and recovery of seabed biota after bottom trawling disturbance
Bottom trawling is the most widespread human activity affecting seabed habitats. Here, we
collate all available data for experimental and comparative studies of trawling impacts on …
collate all available data for experimental and comparative studies of trawling impacts on …
The impacts of deep-sea fisheries on benthic communities: a review
Deep-sea fisheries operate globally throughout the world's oceans, chiefly targeting stocks
on the upper and mid-continental slope and offshore seamounts. Major commercial fisheries …
on the upper and mid-continental slope and offshore seamounts. Major commercial fisheries …
[ספר][B] Measuring biological diversity
AE Magurran - 2013 - books.google.com
This accessible and timely book provides a comprehensive overview of how to measure
biodiversity. The book highlights new developments, including innovative approaches to …
biodiversity. The book highlights new developments, including innovative approaches to …
[HTML][HTML] On the concepts and measures of diversity in the genomics era
Diversity serves as the foundation for breeding and evolution. In the science of genomics,
the investigation of genetic variation has long been a prominent subject. Researchers now …
the investigation of genetic variation has long been a prominent subject. Researchers now …
Disturbance to marine benthic habitats by trawling and dredging: implications for marine biodiversity
▪ Abstract The direct effects of marine habitat disturbance by commercial fishing have been
well documented. However, the potential ramifications to the ecological function of seafloor …
well documented. However, the potential ramifications to the ecological function of seafloor …
Documented and potential biological impacts of recreational fishing: insights for management and conservation
While the impacts of high exploitation on fish populations and aquatic ecosystems are well-
documented for commercial fishing, particularly in the marine environment, the potential …
documented for commercial fishing, particularly in the marine environment, the potential …
Global analysis of response and recovery of benthic biota to fishing
Towed bottom-fishing gears are thought to constitute one of the largest global anthropogenic
sources of disturbance to the seabed and its biota. The current drive towards an ecosystem …
sources of disturbance to the seabed and its biota. The current drive towards an ecosystem …
Modification of marine habitats by trawling activities: prognosis and solutions
Fishing affects the seabed habitat worldwide on the continental shelf. These impacts are
patchily distributed according to the spatial and temporal variation in fishing effort that results …
patchily distributed according to the spatial and temporal variation in fishing effort that results …
Develo** reliable, repeatable, and accessible methods to provide high-resolution estimates of fishing-effort distributions from vessel monitoring system (VMS) data
Abstract Lee, J., South, AB, and Jennings, S. 2010. Develo** reliable, repeatable, and
accessible methods to provide high-resolution estimates of fishing-effort distributions from …
accessible methods to provide high-resolution estimates of fishing-effort distributions from …
Chronic bottom trawling alters the functional composition of benthic invertebrate communities on a sea-basin scale
Bottom trawling causes widespread physical disturbance of sediments in seas and oceans
and affects benthic communities by removing target and non-target species and altering …
and affects benthic communities by removing target and non-target species and altering …