A global review of problematic and pathogenic parasites of farmed tilapia
Over the past 80 years, tilapia have been translocated globally for aquaculture; active
production is recorded in> 124 countries. Of 7 million tonnes of tilapia produced in …
production is recorded in> 124 countries. Of 7 million tonnes of tilapia produced in …
The curious and neglected soft-bodied meiofauna: Rouphozoa (Gastrotricha and Platyhelminthes)
Gastrotricha and Platyhelminthes form a clade called Rouphozoa. Representatives of both
taxa are main components of meiofaunal communities, but their role in the trophic ecology of …
taxa are main components of meiofaunal communities, but their role in the trophic ecology of …
New primers for DNA barcoding of digeneans and cestodes (Platyhelminthes)
Digeneans and cestodes are species‐rich taxa and can seriously impact human health,
fisheries, aqua‐and agriculture, and wildlife conservation and management. DNA barcoding …
fisheries, aqua‐and agriculture, and wildlife conservation and management. DNA barcoding …
Finding them before they find us: informatics, parasites, and environments in accelerating climate change
Parasites are agents of disease in humans, livestock, crops, and wildlife and are powerful
representations of the ecological and historical context of the diseases they cause …
representations of the ecological and historical context of the diseases they cause …
[HTML][HTML] Giant worms chez moi! Hammerhead flatworms (Platyhelminthes, Geoplanidae, Bipalium spp., Diversibipalium spp.) in metropolitan France and overseas …
JL Justine, L Winsor, D Gey, P Gros, J Thévenot - PeerJ, 2018 - peerj.com
Background Species of the genera Bipalium and Diversibipalium, or bipaliines, are giants
among land planarians (family Geoplanidae), reaching length of 1 m; they are also easily …
among land planarians (family Geoplanidae), reaching length of 1 m; they are also easily …
Cichlids: a host of opportunities for evolutionary parasitology
Thanks to high species diversity and a broad range of speciation mechanisms, cichlid fishes
represent a textbook model in evolutionary biology. They are also of substantial economic …
represent a textbook model in evolutionary biology. They are also of substantial economic …
Systematic congruence in Polycladida (Platyhelminthes, Rhabditophora): are DNA and morphology telling the same story?
MK Litvaitis, DM Bolaños… - Zoological Journal of the …, 2019 - academic.oup.com
Using 28S ribosomal DNA sequences, we inferred the internal relationships of the order
Polycladida. We identified morphological characters for clade support when possible …
Polycladida. We identified morphological characters for clade support when possible …
[HTML][HTML] Novel molecular data for monogenean parasites of sparid fishes in the Mediterranean and a molecular phylogeny of the Microcotylidae Taschenberg, 1879
During a study of the monogeneans of four sparid fishes (Diplodus vulgaris, Pagellus
bogaraveo, Pagrus pagrus and Sparus aurata) from the Western Mediterranean off Algeria …
bogaraveo, Pagrus pagrus and Sparus aurata) from the Western Mediterranean off Algeria …
Opportunities and challenges in metabarcoding approaches for helminth community identification in wild mammals
Despite metabarcoding being widely used to analyse bacterial community composition, its
application in parasitological research remains limited. What interest there has been has …
application in parasitological research remains limited. What interest there has been has …
From marine park to future genomic observatory? Enhancing marine biodiversity assessments using a biocode approach
Few tropical marine sites have been thoroughly characterised for their animal species, even
though they constitute the largest proportion of multicellular diversity. A number of focused …
though they constitute the largest proportion of multicellular diversity. A number of focused …