Diagnostic features and field-criteria in recognition of tectonic, sedimentary and diapiric mélanges in orogenic belts and exhumed subduction-accretion complexes

A Festa, GA Pini, K Ogata, Y Dilek - Gondwana Research, 2019 - Elsevier
Multiple episodes of deformation during the tectonic evolution of orogenic belts and ancient
subduction-accretion complexes cause obfuscation of primary block-in-matrix fabric of …

Origin and significance of olistostromes in the evolution of orogenic belts: A global synthesis

A Festa, K Ogata, GA Pini, Y Dilek, JL Alonso - Gondwana Research, 2016 - Elsevier
Olistostromes (sedimentary mélanges) represent the products of ancient submarine mass
transport processes. We present a comparative analysis of the occurrences and internal …

Mechanisms and processes of stratal disruption and mixing in the development of mélanges and broken formations: Redefining and classifying mélanges

A Festa, Y Dilek, GA Pini, G Codegone, K Ogata - Tectonophysics, 2012 - Elsevier
The terms mélange and broken formation have been used in different ways in the literature.
The lack of agreement on their definition often leads to confusion and misinterpretations. An …

Tectono-stratigraphic evolution of the Andean Orogen between 31 and 37 S (Chile and Western Argentina)

R Charrier, VA Ramos, F Tapia… - … Society, London, Special …, 2015 - lyellcollection.org
In this classic segment, many tectonic processes, like flat-subduction, terrane accretion and
steepening of the subduction, among others, provide a robust framework for their …

Tectonic overview of the West Gondwana margin

APM Vaughan, RJ Pankhurst - Gondwana Research, 2008 - Elsevier
The oceanic southern margin of Gondwana, from southern South America through South
Africa, West Antarctica, New Zealand (in its pre break-up position), and Victoria Land to …

The basement of the Andean Frontal Cordillera in the Cordón del Plata (Mendoza, Argentina): geodynamic evolution

N Heredia Carballo, PJ Farias Arquer… - Andean …, 2012 - digibuo.uniovi.es
The Andean Paleozoic basement of the Cordón del Plata (Argentina) consists of two sets of
rocks showing different stratigraphy, structure and metamorphism. The lower one is …

Multiple early Paleozoic volcanic events at the northern Gondwana margin: U–Pb age evidence from the Southern Variscan branch (Sardinia, Italy)

G Oggiano, L Gaggero, A Funedda, L Buzzi… - Gondwana …, 2010 - Elsevier
In Sardinia, one of the southernmost remains of the European Variscan belt, a crustal
section through different Gondwanan paleodomains is largely preserved. Laser ablation ICP …

The Ordovician of southern South America

BG Waisfeld, JL Benedetto, BA Toro, GG Voldman… - 2023 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
Early Paleozoic rocks are widespread, superbly exposed, and reach several thousand
metres thick in southern South America. A largely quadripartite geotectonic subdivision of …

Submarine landslide deposits in orogenic belts: olistostromes and sedimentary mélanges

K Ogata, A Festa, GA Pini… - … Mass Transport Deposits …, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Olistostrome and sedimentary mélange are two synonymous genetic terms referring to the
“fossil” products of ancient submarine mass‐transport processes exhumed in orogenic belts …

[PDF][PDF] Chaos and geodynamics: Mélanges, mélange-forming processes and their significance in the geological record

Y Dilek, A Festa, Y Ogawa, GA Pini - Tectonophysics, 2012 - iris.unito.it
Mélanges occur extensively in accretionary and collisional orogenic belts around the world,
and represent disrupted and chaotic units including sedimentary, magmatic and …