Diagnostic features and field-criteria in recognition of tectonic, sedimentary and diapiric mélanges in orogenic belts and exhumed subduction-accretion complexes
Multiple episodes of deformation during the tectonic evolution of orogenic belts and ancient
subduction-accretion complexes cause obfuscation of primary block-in-matrix fabric of …
subduction-accretion complexes cause obfuscation of primary block-in-matrix fabric of …
Origin and significance of olistostromes in the evolution of orogenic belts: A global synthesis
Olistostromes (sedimentary mélanges) represent the products of ancient submarine mass
transport processes. We present a comparative analysis of the occurrences and internal …
transport processes. We present a comparative analysis of the occurrences and internal …
Mechanisms and processes of stratal disruption and mixing in the development of mélanges and broken formations: Redefining and classifying mélanges
The terms mélange and broken formation have been used in different ways in the literature.
The lack of agreement on their definition often leads to confusion and misinterpretations. An …
The lack of agreement on their definition often leads to confusion and misinterpretations. An …
Tectono-stratigraphic evolution of the Andean Orogen between 31 and 37 S (Chile and Western Argentina)
In this classic segment, many tectonic processes, like flat-subduction, terrane accretion and
steepening of the subduction, among others, provide a robust framework for their …
steepening of the subduction, among others, provide a robust framework for their …
Tectonic overview of the West Gondwana margin
APM Vaughan, RJ Pankhurst - Gondwana Research, 2008 - Elsevier
The oceanic southern margin of Gondwana, from southern South America through South
Africa, West Antarctica, New Zealand (in its pre break-up position), and Victoria Land to …
Africa, West Antarctica, New Zealand (in its pre break-up position), and Victoria Land to …
The basement of the Andean Frontal Cordillera in the Cordón del Plata (Mendoza, Argentina): geodynamic evolution
The Andean Paleozoic basement of the Cordón del Plata (Argentina) consists of two sets of
rocks showing different stratigraphy, structure and metamorphism. The lower one is …
rocks showing different stratigraphy, structure and metamorphism. The lower one is …
Multiple early Paleozoic volcanic events at the northern Gondwana margin: U–Pb age evidence from the Southern Variscan branch (Sardinia, Italy)
In Sardinia, one of the southernmost remains of the European Variscan belt, a crustal
section through different Gondwanan paleodomains is largely preserved. Laser ablation ICP …
section through different Gondwanan paleodomains is largely preserved. Laser ablation ICP …
The Ordovician of southern South America
BG Waisfeld, JL Benedetto, BA Toro, GG Voldman… - 2023 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
Early Paleozoic rocks are widespread, superbly exposed, and reach several thousand
metres thick in southern South America. A largely quadripartite geotectonic subdivision of …
metres thick in southern South America. A largely quadripartite geotectonic subdivision of …
Submarine landslide deposits in orogenic belts: olistostromes and sedimentary mélanges
Olistostrome and sedimentary mélange are two synonymous genetic terms referring to the
“fossil” products of ancient submarine mass‐transport processes exhumed in orogenic belts …
“fossil” products of ancient submarine mass‐transport processes exhumed in orogenic belts …
[PDF][PDF] Chaos and geodynamics: Mélanges, mélange-forming processes and their significance in the geological record
Mélanges occur extensively in accretionary and collisional orogenic belts around the world,
and represent disrupted and chaotic units including sedimentary, magmatic and …
and represent disrupted and chaotic units including sedimentary, magmatic and …