Privacy in the digital age: a review of information privacy research in information systems

F Bélanger, RE Crossler - MIS quarterly, 2011 - JSTOR
Information privacy refers to the desire of individuals to control or have some influence over
data about themselves. Advances in information technology have raised concerns about …

Information privacy concern at individual, group, organization and societal level-a literature review

DK Rath, A Kumar - Vilakshan-XIMB Journal of Management, 2021 -
Purpose In today's digitized environment, information privacy has become a prime concern
for everybody. The purpose of this paper is to provide an understanding of information …

Multi-dimensional trust quantification by artificial agents through evidential fuzzy multi-criteria decision making

SW Lee, S Hussain, GF Issa, S Abbas, TM Ghazal… - IEEE …, 2021 -
Increasing man-machine trust has burgeoned during the last few decades. The growing
interest in trust-building has led to the study of the non-dichotomous nature of trust. Trust as …

How shall we meet? Understanding the importance of meeting mode capabilities for different meeting objectives

W Standaert, S Muylle, A Basu - Information & Management, 2021 - Elsevier
Distributed business meetings can be conducted in a variety of modes, such as audio-
conferencing, video-conferencing, and telepresence, and can have different objectives …

Can COVID-19 mitigation measures promote telework practices?

A Abulibdeh - Journal of Labor and Society, 2020 -
The propagation of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic had resulted in a
significant slowdown of economic activities worldwide. Teleworking practices and policies …

Communication media repertoires: Dealing with the multiplicity of media choices

MB Watson-Manheim, F Bélanger - MIS quarterly, 2007 - JSTOR
In today's organizations, employees have an ever-increasing variety of communication
media to use in the performance of work activities. In this study, we seek to expand our …

A multi-level socio-technical systems telecommuting framework

F Bélanger, MB Watson-Manheim… - Behaviour & Information …, 2013 - Taylor & Francis
Telecommuting can help to create organisational efficiencies and improve competitive
advantage. It has been studied from a variety of perspectives, including that of …

Effects of task complexity on individual creativity through knowledge interaction: A comparison of temporary and permanent teams

S Chae, Y Seo, KC Lee - Computers in Human Behavior, 2015 - Elsevier
Using the interactionist's perspective of creativity, this paper proposes a new research model
of creativity manifestation to explore how factors affecting individual creativity depend on …

Collaborative technologies in knowledge telework: an exploratory study

F Bélanger, CD Allport - Information Systems Journal, 2008 - Wiley Online Library
Knowledge workers in distributed work environments require substantial communication
with colleagues and supervisors to perform their work activities, and collaborative …

[PDF][PDF] Student perceptions and opinions toward e-learning in the college environment.

PC Borstorff, SK Lowe - Academy of Educational Leadership …, 2007 -
Distance or electronic learning (E-learning) has become very popular on university and
other academic campuses. Various distance learning technologies are being utilized for the …