Actor roles in co‐production—Introducing intermediaries: Findings from a systematic literature review

N Haug - Public Administration, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Public service ecosystems are used to understand how multiple actors co‐produce public
services and create public value. Especially interactions between public service providers …

Exploring collaborative governance processes involving nonprofits

F Calò, S Teasdale, MJ Roy… - Nonprofit and …, 2024 -
Nonprofits are increasingly involved in collaborative governance mechanisms, on the
premise that their proximity to end users and better understanding of the local contexts can …

Citizens' Inclusion in Public Services: A Systematic Review of the Public Administration Literature and Reflection on Future Research Avenues

T Licsandru, E Meliou, I Steccolini… - Public …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Despite a resurgence of interest in social equity, citizens' inclusion in public services has
attracted limited attention in the public administration literature so far, having often remained …

Relationships between community-led mutual aid groups and the state during the COVID-19 pandemic: complementary, supplementary, or adversarial?

J Rendall, M Curtin, MJ Roy… - Public Management …, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
This research explores ways public service ecosystems developed during the COVID-19
pandemic, focusing on relationships between community-led mutual aid groups and the …

Boundary-spanning in public value co-creation through the lens of multilevel governance

C Conteh, B Harding - Public Management Review, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
The prospects and challenges of boundary-spanning public value co-creation are one of the
quintessential features of public management in the current age of complexity. This paper …

“We're not there to lead”: Professional roles and responsibilities in “citizen‐led” co‐production

C McMullin - Public Administration Review, 2025 - Wiley Online Library
Although co‐production is typically understood as occurring when “regular” producers
involve citizens in service delivery, co‐production also takes place in relation to services that …

Respecting the subject in wellbeing public policy: beyond the social planner perspective

M Fabian, A Alexandrova, D Coyle… - Journal of European …, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
We compare and evaluate two competing paradigms in the 'wellbeing public policy'(WPP)
space with the intention of promoting interdisciplinary dialogue. We argue that most WPP …

A policy-oriented approach to co-production. The case of homestay accommodation for refugees and asylum seekers

M Bassoli, F Campomori - Public Management Review, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
While co-production has become ever more crucial for contemporary public administration,
there is no shared understanding on how to identify the co-producers. Drawing on a policy …

[PDF][PDF] Coprogettare e coprogrammare: i vecchi dilemmi di una nuova stagione del welfare locale

L Fazzi - Impresa sociale, 2021 -
Negli ultimi mesi sembra essersi aperta una nuova importante stagione di riorganizzazione
dei rapporti tra pubblico e terzo seore. Dopo l'approvazione del Codice del Terzo seore e la …

Exploring the relationship between privatization in public service delivery and coproduction: Evidence from US local governments

Y Cheng, JL Brudney, L Meijs - The American Review of …, 2023 -
Since the New Public Management Movement, privatization has become a popular
approach for delivering public services. However, few studies empirically assess the …