Actor roles in co‐production—Introducing intermediaries: Findings from a systematic literature review
N Haug - Public Administration, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Public service ecosystems are used to understand how multiple actors co‐produce public
services and create public value. Especially interactions between public service providers …
services and create public value. Especially interactions between public service providers …
Exploring collaborative governance processes involving nonprofits
Nonprofits are increasingly involved in collaborative governance mechanisms, on the
premise that their proximity to end users and better understanding of the local contexts can …
premise that their proximity to end users and better understanding of the local contexts can …
Citizens' Inclusion in Public Services: A Systematic Review of the Public Administration Literature and Reflection on Future Research Avenues
Despite a resurgence of interest in social equity, citizens' inclusion in public services has
attracted limited attention in the public administration literature so far, having often remained …
attracted limited attention in the public administration literature so far, having often remained …
Relationships between community-led mutual aid groups and the state during the COVID-19 pandemic: complementary, supplementary, or adversarial?
This research explores ways public service ecosystems developed during the COVID-19
pandemic, focusing on relationships between community-led mutual aid groups and the …
pandemic, focusing on relationships between community-led mutual aid groups and the …
Boundary-spanning in public value co-creation through the lens of multilevel governance
C Conteh, B Harding - Public Management Review, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
The prospects and challenges of boundary-spanning public value co-creation are one of the
quintessential features of public management in the current age of complexity. This paper …
quintessential features of public management in the current age of complexity. This paper …
“We're not there to lead”: Professional roles and responsibilities in “citizen‐led” co‐production
C McMullin - Public Administration Review, 2025 - Wiley Online Library
Although co‐production is typically understood as occurring when “regular” producers
involve citizens in service delivery, co‐production also takes place in relation to services that …
involve citizens in service delivery, co‐production also takes place in relation to services that …
Respecting the subject in wellbeing public policy: beyond the social planner perspective
We compare and evaluate two competing paradigms in the 'wellbeing public policy'(WPP)
space with the intention of promoting interdisciplinary dialogue. We argue that most WPP …
space with the intention of promoting interdisciplinary dialogue. We argue that most WPP …
A policy-oriented approach to co-production. The case of homestay accommodation for refugees and asylum seekers
While co-production has become ever more crucial for contemporary public administration,
there is no shared understanding on how to identify the co-producers. Drawing on a policy …
there is no shared understanding on how to identify the co-producers. Drawing on a policy …
[PDF][PDF] Coprogettare e coprogrammare: i vecchi dilemmi di una nuova stagione del welfare locale
L Fazzi - Impresa sociale, 2021 - iris.unitn.it
Negli ultimi mesi sembra essersi aperta una nuova importante stagione di riorganizzazione
dei rapporti tra pubblico e terzo seore. Dopo l'approvazione del Codice del Terzo seore e la …
dei rapporti tra pubblico e terzo seore. Dopo l'approvazione del Codice del Terzo seore e la …
Exploring the relationship between privatization in public service delivery and coproduction: Evidence from US local governments
Since the New Public Management Movement, privatization has become a popular
approach for delivering public services. However, few studies empirically assess the …
approach for delivering public services. However, few studies empirically assess the …