Towards properties on demand in quantum materials
DN Basov, RD Averitt, D Hsieh - Nature materials, 2017 - nature.com
The past decade has witnessed an explosion in the field of quantum materials, headlined by
the predictions and discoveries of novel Landau-symmetry-broken phases in correlated …
the predictions and discoveries of novel Landau-symmetry-broken phases in correlated …
Experimental signatures of quantum and topological states in frustrated magnetism
Frustration in magnetic materials arising from competing exchange interactions can prevent
the system from adopting long-range magnetic order and can instead lead to a diverse …
the system from adopting long-range magnetic order and can instead lead to a diverse …
[HTML][HTML] Towards oxide electronics: a roadmap
At the end of a rush lasting over half a century, in which CMOS technology has been
experiencing a constant and breathtaking increase of device speed and density, Moore's …
experiencing a constant and breathtaking increase of device speed and density, Moore's …
Physics of ultrathin films and heterostructures of rare-earth nickelates
The electronic structure of transition metal oxides featuring correlated electrons can be
rationalized within the Zaanen-Sawatzky-Allen framework. Following a brief description of …
rationalized within the Zaanen-Sawatzky-Allen framework. Following a brief description of …
Quantum sensing for energy applications: Review and perspective
On its revolutionary threshold, quantum sensing is creating potentially transformative
opportunities to exploit intricate quantum mechanical phenomena in new ways to make …
opportunities to exploit intricate quantum mechanical phenomena in new ways to make …
Metal oxide nanocomposites: a perspective from strain, defect, and interface
Vertically aligned nanocomposite thin films with ordered two phases, grown epitaxially on
substrates, have attracted tremendous interest in the past decade. These unique …
substrates, have attracted tremendous interest in the past decade. These unique …
Emergent multifunctional magnetic proximity in van der Waals layered heterostructures
Proximity effect, which is the coupling between distinct order parameters across interfaces of
heterostructures, has attracted immense interest owing to the customizable …
heterostructures, has attracted immense interest owing to the customizable …
[HTML][HTML] Epitaxial ferroelectric interfacial devices
Ferroelectric interfacial devices consist of materials systems whose interfacial electronic
properties (such as a 2D electron gas or an interfacial magnetic spin configuration) are …
properties (such as a 2D electron gas or an interfacial magnetic spin configuration) are …
Atomically flat single terminated oxide substrate surfaces
Scientific interest in atomically controlled layer-by-layer fabrication of transition metal oxide
thin films and heterostructures has increased intensely in recent decades for basic physics …
thin films and heterostructures has increased intensely in recent decades for basic physics …
Interface-based tuning of Rashba spin-orbit interaction in asymmetric oxide heterostructures with 3d electrons
The Rashba effect plays important roles in emerging quantum materials physics and
potential spintronic applications, entailing both the spin orbit interaction (SOI) and broken …
potential spintronic applications, entailing both the spin orbit interaction (SOI) and broken …