[KNJIGA][B] The maya

MD Coe, S Houston - 2023 - books.google.com
The Maya has long been established as the best, most readable introduction to the ancient
Maya on the market today. This classic book has been updated by distilling the latest …

Early isotopic evidence for maize as a staple grain in the Americas

DJ Kennett, KM Prufer, BJ Culleton, RJ George… - Science …, 2020 - science.org
Maize is a cultigen of global economic importance, but when it first became a staple grain in
the Americas, was unknown and contested. Here, we report direct isotopic dietary evidence …

South-to-north migration preceded the advent of intensive farming in the Maya region

DJ Kennett, M Lipson, KM Prufer, D Mora-Marín… - Nature …, 2022 - nature.com
The genetic prehistory of human populations in Central America is largely unexplored
leaving an important gap in our knowledge of the global expansion of humans. We report …

Ancient Lowland Maya neighborhoods: Average Nearest Neighbor analysis and kernel density models, environments, and urban scale

AE Thompson, JP Walden, ASZ Chase, SR Hutson… - PloS one, 2022 - journals.plos.org
Many humans live in large, complex political centers, composed of multi-scalar communities
including neighborhoods and districts. Both today and in the past, neighborhoods form a …

Responses of Caribbean mangroves to Quaternary climatic, eustatic, and anthropogenic drivers of ecological change: a review

V Rull - Plants, 2022 - mdpi.com
Mangroves are among the world's most threatened ecosystems. Understanding how these
ecosystems responded to past natural and anthropogenic drivers of ecological change is …

Fishtailed projectile points in the Americas: Remarks and hypotheses on the peopling of northern South America and beyond

HG Nami - Quaternary International, 2021 - Elsevier
In order to find out about and discuss the peopling of the Americas, there is evidence that
comes from a range of scientific disciplines. In archaeology, stone tool vestiges are one of …

Measuring inequality: The effect of units of analysis on the Gini coefficient

AE Thompson, ASZ Chase, GM Feinman - Ancient Mesoamerica, 2023 - cambridge.org
To variable degrees, inequality is present in all human societies, but how archaeologists
measure inequality varies greatly. In recent research, we used the same unit of analysis …

Household inequality, community formation, and land tenure in Classic period lowland Maya society

AE Thompson, KM Prufer - Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory, 2021 - Springer
Access to social capital and valued resources modulates household decision-making as
people seek to occupy the best-quality patches of land available. Prior occupancy …

Late glacial and Early Holocene migrations, and Middle Holocene settlement on the lower isthmian land-bridge

AJ Ranere, RG Cooke - Quaternary International, 2021 - Elsevier
Abstract Archaeological evidence from Late Pleistocene sites in South America indicates
that human populations moved into and through the lower isthmian land-bridge by at least …

[HTML][HTML] Modeling Archaic land use and mobility in north-central Belize

MB Burg, E Harrison-Buck - Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, 2024 - Elsevier
The Archaic period has not been as widely studied in Mesoamerica as it has been in other
parts of the Americas. This problem stems from intractable issues such as low …