Rising water temperature in rivers: Ecological impacts and future resilience

MF Johnson, LK Albertson, AC Algar… - Wiley …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Rising water temperatures in rivers due to climate change are already having observable
impacts on river ecosystems. Warming water has both direct and indirect impacts on aquatic …

The Colorado River water crisis: Its origin and the future

JC Schmidt, CB Yackulic, E Kuhn - Wiley Interdisciplinary …, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
During much of the 21st century, natural runoff in the Colorado River basin has declined,
while consumption has remained relatively constant, leading to historically low reservoir …

A watershed moment for western US dams

AE East, GE Grant - Water Resources Research, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
The summer of 2023 is a notable time for water‐resource management in the western
United States: Glen Canyon Dam, on the Colorado River, turns 60 years old while the …

Failure to achieve recommended environmental flows coincides with declining fish populations: Long‐term trends in regulated and unregulated rivers

CA Pennock, LA Bruckerhoff, KB Gido… - Freshwater …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Dams can be operated to mimic components of the natural flow regime to minimise impacts
on downstream ecosystems. However, infrastructure, societal needs, water management …

Diverse portfolios: Investing in tributaries for restoration of large river fishes in the Anthropocene

KL Bouska, BD Healy, MJ Moore, CG Dunn… - Frontiers in …, 2023 - frontiersin.org
Rehabilitation of large Anthropocene rivers requires engagement of diverse stakeholders
across a broad range of sociopolitical boundaries. Competing objectives often constrain …

Megadroughts pose mega‐risk to native fishes of the American Southwest

KB Gido, MJ Osborne, DL Propst, TF Turner… - Fisheries, 2023 - academic.oup.com
Climate change and a host of other human stressors on aquatic systems in the American
Southwest are rapidly exceeding our ability to conserve native fish diversity. The most …

Translocation in a fragmented river provides demographic benefits for imperiled fishes

CA Pennock, BD Healy, MR Bogaard… - …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Fragmentation isolates individuals and restricts access to valuable habitat with severe
consequences for populations, such as reduced gene flow, disruption of recolonization …

Evaluation of the ERA5‐land reanalysis data set for process‐based river temperature modeling over data sparse and topographically complex regions

BA Mihalevich, BT Neilson… - Water resources …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract Models developed to capture underlying river processes over long historical
periods and varying hydrologic conditions provide confidence for subsequent forecasting …

Exploring the spatially compounding multi‐sectoral drought vulnerabilities in Colorado's West Slope River Basins

DF Gold, RS Gupta, PM Reed - Earth's Future, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
The state of Colorado's West Slope Basins are critical headwaters of the Colorado River and
play a vital role in supporting Colorado's local economy and natural environment. However …

Wood you believe it? Experimental addition of nonnative wood enhances instream habitat for native dryland fishes

BJ Miller, MC McKinstry, P Budy… - River Research and …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Flow alteration and riparian vegetation encroachment are causing habitat simplification with
severe consequences for native fishes. To assess the effectiveness of enhancing simplified …