Material platforms for spin-based photonic quantum technologies
A central goal in quantum optics and quantum information science is the development of
quantum networks to generate entanglement between distributed quantum memories …
quantum networks to generate entanglement between distributed quantum memories …
Toward quantitative bio-sensing with nitrogen–vacancy center in diamond
The long-dreamed-of capability of monitoring the molecular machinery in living systems has
not been realized yet, mainly due to the technical limitations of current sensing technologies …
not been realized yet, mainly due to the technical limitations of current sensing technologies …
[HTML][HTML] Quantum networks based on color centers in diamond
With the ability to transfer and process quantum information, large-scale quantum networks
will enable a suite of fundamentally new applications, from quantum communications to …
will enable a suite of fundamentally new applications, from quantum communications to …
[HTML][HTML] A critical review of nanodiamond based nanocomposites: Synthesis, properties and applications
Diamond is a metastable allotrope of carbon. Monocrystalline diamond with particle size
less than 100 nm (designated as nanodiamond) has been widely studied during the past …
less than 100 nm (designated as nanodiamond) has been widely studied during the past …
Diamond-based single-photon emitters
The exploitation of emerging quantum technologies requires efficient fabrication of key
building blocks. Sources of single photons are extremely important across many …
building blocks. Sources of single photons are extremely important across many …
A review on single photon sources in silicon carbide
This paper summarizes key findings in single-photon generation from deep level defects in
silicon carbide (SiC) and highlights the significance of these individually addressable …
silicon carbide (SiC) and highlights the significance of these individually addressable …
Cavity quantum electrodynamics with color centers in diamond
Coherent interfaces between optical photons and long-lived matter qubits form a key
resource for a broad range of quantum technologies. Cavity quantum electrodynamics …
resource for a broad range of quantum technologies. Cavity quantum electrodynamics …
Quantum sensing for energy applications: Review and perspective
On its revolutionary threshold, quantum sensing is creating potentially transformative
opportunities to exploit intricate quantum mechanical phenomena in new ways to make …
opportunities to exploit intricate quantum mechanical phenomena in new ways to make …
Diamond photonics
Diamond, a material marvelled for its strength, beauty and perfection, was first used to polish
stone axes in Neolithic times. This most ancient of materials is now being touted by many as …
stone axes in Neolithic times. This most ancient of materials is now being touted by many as …
Coupling of nitrogen-vacancy centers to photonic crystal cavities in monocrystalline diamond
The zero-phonon transition rate of a nitrogen-vacancy center is enhanced by a factor of∼ 70
by coupling to a photonic crystal resonator fabricated in monocrystalline diamond using …
by coupling to a photonic crystal resonator fabricated in monocrystalline diamond using …