A molecular platinum cluster junction: A single-molecule switch

LA Zotti, E Leary, M Soriano, JC Cuevas… - Journal of the …, 2013 - ACS Publications
We present a theoretical study of electron transport through single-molecule junctions
incorporating a Pt6 metal cluster bound within an organic framework. The insertion of this …

A method of dopant electron energy spectrum parameterization for calculation of single-electron nanodevices

VV Shorokhov - Moscow University Physics Bulletin, 2017 - Springer
Solitary dopants in semiconductors and dielectrics that possess stable electron structures
and interesting physical properties may be used as building blocks of quantum computers …

Single-shell carbon nanotubes covered with iron nanoparticles for ion-lithium batteries: Thermodynamic stability and charge transfer

VV Shunaev, MM Slepchenkov, OE Glukhova - Topics in Catalysis, 2018 - Springer
The mathematical model which describes interaction between maghemite particles and
CNTs was built on the base of experimental data. It was revealed by the combination of SCC …

Estimation of particle size distribution of nanoparticles from electrical characteristics

A Gangopadhyay, A Sarkar, A Sarkar - Bulletin of Materials Science, 2018 - Springer
An indirect method of estimation of size distribution of nanoparticles in a nanocomposite is
proposed in this paper. The present approach exploits DC electrical current–voltage …

Метод параметризации электронного энергетического спектра примесных атомов для расчета одноэлектронных наноустройств

ВВ Шорохов - Вестник Московского университета. Серия 3 …, 2017 - cyberleninka.ru
Одиночные примесные атомы в полупроводниках и диэлектриках, обладающие
стабильной электронной структурой и интересными физическими свойствами, могут …

Gold nanoparticle single-electron transistor simulation

YS Gerasimov, VV Shorokhov… - … Micro-and Nano …, 2013 - spiedigitallibrary.org
We suggest an approach for determining nanoobjects' energy spectra depending on its total
electric charge. The approach was tested studying golden nanoparticles of different sizes …

Characteristics of Electron Transport in Molecular Single-Atom Transistors Based on Atoms of Sc, Cr, Ru, Rh, and Pt

AA Parshintsev, VV Shorokhov, ES Soldatov - Bulletin of the Russian …, 2019 - Springer
The transport characteristics of single-atom transistors with charge centers based on Sc, Cr,
Ru, Rh, and Pt atoms are studied. Single-particle electron spectra of molecules of the …

Electron Transport in a Single-Electron Molecular Transistor with an Rh, Ru, or Pt Single-Atom Charge Center

AA Parshintsev, VV Shorokhov, ES Soldatov - Moscow University Physics …, 2018 - Springer
The method of parameterization of the electron energy spectrum of molecules is used to
theoretically study the specific features of the energy spectrum of a family of molecules of the …

Транспорт электронов в молекулярном одноэлектронном транзисторе с зарядовым центром на атомах Rh, Ru, Pt

АА Паршинцев, ВВ Шорохов… - … университета. Серия 3 …, 2018 - cyberleninka.ru
Используя метод параметризации электронного энергетического спектра молекул,
теоретически исследованы особенности энергетического спектра семейства молекул …